Vielha e Mijaran

Province: Lleida | Shire: Val d'Aran | Inhabitants: 5.636 | Extension: 211,7 Km2 | Altitude: 974 m

Viella Municipality consists of thirteen poblacions: Casarilh, Escunhau, Betrén, Vielha, Gausac, Casau, Vilac, Mont, Montcorbau, Betlán, Aubert, Arròs i Vila i has a population of about 5,500 inhabitants.

Viella, capital of the municipality and the Val d'Aran, is located 974 m. altitude surrounded by peaks over 2,000 m. Its privileged situation, Vielha has, since ancient times, the meeting point of all communications Val d'Aran and is the starting point for organizing the visit and the remaining territory.

The original village is along the Nere River, which divides the population. The most representative building in town is the Church of San Miquèu. In Vielha find the Ice Palace and the Palace of Sports, leisure and sports centers with ice rink, heated swimming pools, football pitch and sports courts, paddle, gym, climbing wall, skate-park, fitness and biosaludables circuits, and more.

In the Tower of General Martinhon find the Ethnological Museum, which includes aspects of the physical environment, language, culture, history and customs of the Valley. Factory dera Lan is an example of small textile industries that developed during the second half of s. XIX

Vielha also has, in its urban center, a wide range of shops and services available to all visitors. A true outdoor mall in the middle of nature. Over 200 establishments of all kinds, with a wide and varied offer.

In the municipality of Viella we can find a wide range of activities: cycling tours, car, 4x4, riding and a variety of trails for rural hiking, fishing, adventure sports, etc..

Viella has enormous monumental and artistic legacy distributed throughout its geography and several museums must:

Church of San Miquèu in Vielha: construction of different eras, the first five chapels are of s. XII, we find the Christ of Mijaran, a carving of the XII century, is a religious and artistic piece considered the jewel of the church of Vielha.

In Vilac find the church of Sant Feliu, Romanesque s. Monte XII and the church of San Laurenc, a small, rustic work consisting of a nave with barrel vault. Across the valley we find a large sample of sanctuaries, as the church of San Estèue of Montcorbau, Romanesque XI century with later reforms; Parish church of San Pèir to Betlan one of the oldest religious buildings of the valley, the parish church of St. Martin in Aubert, located on the outskirts of the village, the church of San Pèir in Vila, the church of San Martin de Gausac, the fourteenth century; the churches of San Sernilh (XII and XIII century) and San Saturn in Betren, that of St. Thomas in Casarilh or the church of San Pèir in Escunhau, of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and where we find a chasuble and an embroidered layer gold and silk XVI century.

Nature and excursions

The fans and lovers of nature, Vielha offers do quiet family outings without risks, which can enjoy wonderful views and landscapes:

  • Espitau Vielha-Forest Conangles: from here hiking to the lakes of Beciberri and Redon.
  • Ribera deth Nere: from Vielha, 4 Km approximately forest track parallel to the river Nere.
  • Camin Reiau: road that runs parallel to the Garonne river; This tour can be done on foot or by bicycle.
  • Baricauba-Plan Batalhèr: 7 kilometers of paved forest path from Gausac; it is easy and advisable to know the magnificent spruce forest Baricauba tour.
  • Bassa d'Oles: Access Baricauba forest through 3.5 miles of paved forest trail and 4.5 more unpaved, with a shelter where pernocar.
  • Saut deth Pish Barradòs-: Landscape with waterfall. Access from Rice Bridge via paved forest trail.
  • Artiga Lin-Uelhs deth Joèu: Bòrdes to Artiga de Lin.
  • It was Tuca: meadows and forests with a fantastic panoramic view of Vielha and the Middle Aran. Access from Betren forest track.

And to those skilled mountaineers there are routes to higher than 3000 m peaks.

What to do

Carros de Foc

Vielha e Mijaran

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Guies de Muntanya Camins

Vielha e Mijaran

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Termas Baronía de Les

Les (a 14.1 Km)

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Where to sleep

Carros de Foc

Vielha e Mijaran

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Hotel i hostal Vall d'Àneu

Esterri d'Àneu (a 28.1 Km)

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Càmping Boneta

La Vall de Boí (a 22.3 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 27º
Min 9º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 31º
Min 12º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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