
Province: Lleida | Shire: Urgell | Inhabitants: 880 | Extension: 35,8 Km2 | Altitude: 434 m

The municipality of Verdú, located to the southeast of the Urgell region, is dominated by the Castle of Verdú, the origin of the town and the most famous building in the town. It is one of the oldest towns in Catalonia, remains from different periods such as prehistory, the Iberian, the Roman or the medieval have been found, which prove it.

Within the nucleus of Verdú we can visit the Castle of Verdú that rises in the middle of the town, it was built to perform defense functions and later different characters lived throughout history. You can also see the wall and the church of Santa Maria.

Verdú has a great tradition in the work of black ceramics, and walking through its streets you can see how the artisans work inside their workshops making all kinds of jugs and cantirillas of all kinds. These typical jugs from Verdú are also called saddles.

In Verdú we also find the Ramon Boleda Archeology Museum which brings together the archaeological collection of the historian Ramon Boleda i Cases.

You can take the Ceramic Murals Route where you will see what the ceramic murals are like that are located in different parts of the municipality. They are very characteristic decorative elements and are the reflection of a pottery tradition that we want to preserve and maintain.

On the outskirts of Verdú, a network of paths surrounds the town and allows you to get there from any point in the area. The reason was to communicate the town to be able to go to the old Verdú Fair, a very renowned fair where the protagonist is ceramics. During the Fair you can see all kinds of workshops and samples of how the different tasks related to the world of ceramics are carried out.

Also on the outskirts of Verdú, to the west, is the Hermitage of Sant Miquel, a 14th-century building, which has been extensively restored during the 1990s. Also on the outskirts of the town we can visit the Iberian settlement of the Estinclells a large Iberian settlement.

What to do

Turisme Urgell

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Where to sleep

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Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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