Les Valls de Valira

Province: Lleida | Shire: Alt Urgell | Inhabitants: 826 | Extension: 171,2 Km2 | Altitude: 740 m

The Valira Valls is a municipality located north of the Alt Urgell, Andorra playing. In this town we find the highest mountains in the entire region and also includes fifteen entities to form the municpio, among which are Anserall, Arcavell, Arduix, Argolell, Ars, Asnurri, Baixos Calbinyà, Bescaran, Calbinyà , Civís, La Forge de Moles, Os de Civis, Sant Antoni, Sant Joan and Sant Pere Fumat. All he's a relatively new city core since it was formed in 1970 by the union of some of these entities. A lot of them only accessible by a road or a mountain road, this makes visit is a truly rewarding and peaceful.

The Valira Valls is the second largest core area of the Alt Urgell and he found several religious buildings, among which we highlight some like Anserall parish church, monastery of Sant Serni Tavèrnoles, which apses and are preserved Romanesque transceiver. Also the parish church of Os de Civis, dedicated to Sant Pere in Romanesque style, but with Gothic interior paints. Interestingly this core can only be accessed from Andorran territory and not from Catalunya. As regards Bescaran, we can find the tower of the old monastery of Sant Martí, who later joined the Anserall. This tower consists of six floors and Lombard style windows. It has many similarities with the churches of the Vall de Boi. Another church is found in Ars, also Romanesque and dedicated to Sant Martí. To finish this tour we do with the Romanesque church of Santa Eugenia de Argolell located within this nucleus.

We can not leave out one of the characteristic features offered by this town, is the Museu del Pagès (Payés Museum). In it we see how life in a farmhouse. The museum is divided into eight parts which are interrelated: cereals and countryside, the garden and the elegant, grazing, felling of trees in the forest and wood processing, vintage and household chores: the killing of the pig, making cheese and butter, wine making, beekeeping and hunting and fishing.

The festivities of the town of Valls de Valira are found in the month of September by Anserall core and in the month of June for the core of Os de Civis.

What to do

Sant Julià de Lòria (Parròquia)

(a 9.6 Km)

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Canillo (Parròquia)

(a 23.4 Km)

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Banys de bosc Be Forest

Canillo (a 27.1 Km)

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Espai museístic del Ferro Casa Sintet

Alins (Vall Ferrera) (a 21.7 Km)

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Where to eat

Bar Restaurant El Jardí

Sant Llorenç de Morunys (a 29.6 Km)

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Where to sleep

El Racó de Cal Maró / Molí del Pau

Montferrer i Castellbò (a 8.6 Km)

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Càmping Gran Sol

Montferrer i Castellbò (a 4.7 Km)

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Hotelet d'Estamariu

Estamariu (a 5.3 Km)

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Cal Roig

Arsèguel (a 10.8 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 31º
Min 10º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 36º
Min 12º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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