Grand Tour de Catalunya - Section 1. Vineyards with taste in…

Aiguamúrcia, Barcelona, Cabra del Camp, Cardona ... (a 22.6 Km)

The origin of Carnival

Solsona, Vilanova i la Geltrú (a 22.6 Km)

Route through the Torres de Fals in Fonollosa

Fonollosa (a 22.6 Km)

Walk to the Argençola ice well

Argençola (a 24 Km)

A walk through the shady Clariana

Argençola (a 24 Km)

Walking through the Romanesque of Argençola

Argençola (a 24 Km)

Entering the valley of Sau - Collsacabra

Agramunt, Folgueroles, Rupit i Pruit, Tavertet (a 25.4 Km)

Cistercian Route: gastronomy in Vallbona de les Monges

Agramunt, Guimerà, Llorac, Maldà ... (a 25.4 Km)

The battles of 1714

Barcelona, Cardona, Castellví de Rosanes, Corbera de Llobregat ... (a 25.7 Km)

Route of the castles in Catalonia

Cardona, Figueres, Foradada, Miravet ... (a 25.7 Km)

Ruta Medieval in Bages

Cardona, Manresa, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Súria (a 25.7 Km)

Condal Pyrenees: a tour of the medieval Catalan identity

Berga, Besalú, Cardona, Castell de Mur ... (a 25.7 Km)

Romanesque route through Santa Coloma de Queralt, Llorac and…

Llorac, Santa Coloma de Queralt, Talavera (a 26.1 Km)

The paper path for Catalonia

Capellades, Igualada, Jorba (a 26.2 Km)

Route of the Cercavins

Montoliu de Segarra, Montornès de Segarra (a 27 Km)

Route of the Cercavins River

Montoliu de Segarra, Montornès de Segarra (a 27 Km)

Route of the Plans

Montoliu de Segarra, Montornès de Segarra (a 27 Km)

The Salt River

Lladurs, Odèn (a 27.3 Km)

Urgell Canal pedal route

Arbeca, Balaguer, Castellserà, Juneda ... (a 28.4 Km)

Environmental route along the Cardener de Súria river

Súria (a 28.9 Km)

Itinerary through the Lari vineyard, in Súria

Súria (a 28.9 Km)

Path of the sources in Peramola

Peramola (a 29.6 Km)

The Coscollet from Aubàs (Sierra de Aubenç)

Coll de Nargó, Peramola (a 29.6 Km)

Roca del Corb and Sant Honorat in Peramola

Peramola (a 29.6 Km)


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Catalonia, World Region of Gastronomy 2025

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08/02/2025 ...

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Cervera Winter Festival

05/02/2025 - 09/02/2025

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