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Province: Barcelona | Shire: Vallès Occidental | Inhabitants: 225.274 | Extension: 70,2 Km2 | Altitude: 277 m

Terrassa is one of the capitals of the Vallés Occidental along with Sabadell. It has a population of more than 200,000 inhabitants, which makes it the most populated city in the region.

Terrassa is located at the foot of the Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac Natural Park, 277 meters above sea level and its municipal area is the largest in the Vallès Occidental.

The municipality of Terrassa enjoys very good communication, since it is located in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and is connected to Barcelona and Manresa thanks to the C-58 and C-16 motorways, as well as having RENFE train stations and of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

If we let ourselves go and take a walk through Terrassa, we will see how old factories and chimneys are integrated into the city, the result of the industrialization that took place in the city during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of the buildings worth visiting from this period are the Masia Freixa, the work of the architect Lluís Muncunill, and which is currently the headquarters of the Terrassa School of Music; the Vapor Aymerich Amat i Jover, from 1907, and which is currently the headquarters of the National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (MNACTEC), a visit to which is essential; or the Casa Alegre de Sagrera from 1911; among many others.

Some remains of medieval Terrassa remain, such as the Palace Tower and the Cartoixa de Vallparadís Castle. And from a slightly later period are the monumental complex of the churches of San Pedro, located next to the Vallparadís Park.

It is therefore an industrial city but also a university one, Terrassa has a large number of university students and a University Campus located in the center of the city. But if we talk about Terrassa we must also comment on the importance of jockeying, a Terrassa sport par excellence; During the 1992 Olympics, the city was the Olympic venue for this sport.

Terrassa is also known as the Catalan capital of Jazz, and the prestigious Terrassa Jazz Festival that is held in the Nova Jazz Cava is a good example.

What to do

Xarxa de Turisme Industrial

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Fundació Xarxa Espectacles familiars


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Sea & Mountain Experiences

Sant Cugat del Vallès (a 12 Km)

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La Passió d'Esparreguera

Esparreguera (a 12.3 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Marisquer Can Ladis

Sant Fruitós de Bages (a 23.7 Km)

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Pirineu en Boca

Barcelona (a 23.5 Km)

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Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona

Barcelona (a 23.8 Km)

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La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 30 Km)

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Where to sleep

Alberg Viladoms de Baix, Fundesplai

Castellbell i el Vilar (a 12.1 Km)

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Casa de colònies Can Santoi, Fundesplai

Molins de Rei (a 14.7 Km)

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 14.4 Km)

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Hotel Molí de la Torre

Bigues i Riells del Fai (a 20.2 Km)

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Jazz Festival Terrassa 2025

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Efímera in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda

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Stable programming of family shows, Fundació Xarxa

Fundació Xarxa Espectacles familiars (Terrassa)

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14th Tasting of family shows, 11/15/25, Fundació Xarxa

Fundació Xarxa Espectacles familiars (Terrassa)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 16º
Min 7º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 14º
Min 12º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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