La Vall de Bianya, nature and heritage in the Garrotxa

La Vall de Bianya (a 22 Km)

Circular route through the icons of La Garrotxa

Olot (a 22 Km)

A circular route through the old and beautiful paths of Batet

Olot (a 22 Km)

Circular route of the Bisaroques volcano and Tries fountain

Olot (a 22 Km)

Route through the volcanoes of Olot

Olot (a 22 Km)

Accessible routes through Olot

Olot (a 22 Km)

Circular route through the wagon tracks in Ogassa

Ogassa (a 22.4 Km)

Route through Susqueda

Sant Hilari Sacalm, Susqueda (a 23.2 Km)

Walking through the Valley of Camprodon

Camprodon, Llanars, Sant Pau de Segúries, Setcases ... (a 23.2 Km)

Route in Sant Pau de Segúries

Sant Pau de Segúries (a 23.2 Km)

The Romanesque in Alt Berguedà

Berga, Borredà, Guardiola de Berguedà, La Pobla de Lillet ... (a 24.4 Km)

A walk through the history of Sant Feliu Sasserra

Sant Feliu Sasserra (a 24.7 Km)

Monumental trees of Catalonia

Cànoves i Samalús, Castellar del Riu, Espinelves, Horta de Sant Joan ... (a 24.8 Km)

Itinerary the domain of water in L'Estany

L'Estany (a 25.5 Km)

Route the domain of the land in L'Estany

L'Estany (a 25.5 Km)

Route of the sources of l'Estany

L'Estany (a 25.5 Km)

Route of the Fountains and Verlets in Sant Joan les Fonts (accessible)

Sant Joan les Fonts (a 25.7 Km)

Route of the Fountains and Verlets by the volcano of the Caña

Sant Joan les Fonts (a 25.7 Km)

Circular route through the Cima del Matagalls from the Bordoriol…

Molló, Viladrau (a 25.9 Km)

The route of the bandit Serrallonga

Anglès, Osor, Sant Hilari Sacalm, Santa Coloma de Farners ... (a 25.9 Km)

Route through the stone villages of Girona

Besalú, Girona, Madremanya, Santa Pau ... (a 26.1 Km)

From Osor to Sant Miquel de les Formigues

Osor, Sant Hilari Sacalm (a 26.8 Km)

Route Forest of Casanoves - El Querol in Collsuspina

Collsuspina (a 27.7 Km)

Route to the hermitage of Sant Cugat de Gavadons in Collsuspina

Collsuspina (a 27.7 Km)


Raffle: Win a family ticket for 5 people to MónNatura Delta…

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Discover Authentic Catalonia in February!

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Terra Endins Carnival in Torelló 2025

27/02/2025 ...

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"Dijous Llarder" in Vic

28/02/2025 - 02/03/2025

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Morning Weather forecast Morning
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Max 16º
Min 5º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 16º
Min 2º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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