Walking through the Valley of Camprodon
Camprodon, Llanars, Sant Pau de Segúries, Setcases ... (a 21.5 Km)
Route of the Fountains and Verlets by the volcano of the Caña
Sant Joan les Fonts (a 23.6 Km)
Route of the Fountains and Verlets in Sant Joan les Fonts (accessible)
Sant Joan les Fonts (a 23.6 Km)
Route through the stone villages of Girona
Besalú, Girona, Madremanya, Santa Pau ... (a 24 Km)
Monumental trees of Catalonia
Cànoves i Samalús, Castellar del Riu, Espinelves, Horta de Sant Joan ... (a 25.1 Km)
The Romanesque in Alt Berguedà
Berga, Borredà, Guardiola de Berguedà, La Pobla de Lillet ... (a 25.5 Km)
The route of the bandit Serrallonga
Anglès, Osor, Sant Hilari Sacalm, Santa Coloma de Farners ... (a 25.9 Km)
Walking around the Volcano of la Banya del Boc
Mieres, Sant Aniol de Finestres, Sant Gregori, Sant Martí de Llémena (a 26.3 Km)
The sweetest route through La Selva, a route for those with…
Amer, Anglès, Arbúcies, Breda ... (a 26.4 Km)
Circular route through the Cima del Matagalls from the Bordoriol…
Molló, Viladrau (a 26.5 Km)