Urban section of the Thermal Route in Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 21.5 Km)

Urban route: Caldes de Malavella in Time of Wars (1936-1945)

Caldes de Malavella (a 21.5 Km)

Route through the sources and heritage of Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 21.5 Km)

The Puig de Cadiretes in Llagostera

Llagostera (a 22.7 Km)

Route around the Montgrí Castle

Torroella de Montgrí - L'Estartit (a 22.8 Km)

Montgrí Castle from Torroella (circular)

Torroella de Montgrí - L'Estartit (a 22.8 Km)

The red coral: a thousand-year-old history of Catalonia

Begur, L'Escala, Torroella de Montgrí - L'Estartit (a 22.8 Km)

Route through the Bajo Ter

Torroella de Montgrí - L'Estartit (a 22.8 Km)

The volcanoes' kitchen

Besalú, La Vall d'en Bas, Olot, Sant Feliu de Pallerols ... (a 22.8 Km)

Volcanoes and other landscapes in La Garrotxa

Besalú, Castellfollit de la Roca, La Vall d'en Bas, Olot ... (a 22.8 Km)

3 routes through some of the most beautiful towns in Tarragona

L'Espluga de Francolí, Miravet, Pratdip, Riudoms ... (a 23.3 Km)

Route through Susqueda

Sant Hilari Sacalm, Susqueda (a 25.1 Km)

Route with Josep Pla

Palafrugell, Pals (a 25.5 Km)

Route of cultures on the Costa Brava

Castelló d'Empúries, Figueres, L'Escala, Peralada ... (a 25.7 Km)

From Osor to Sant Miquel de les Formigues

Osor, Sant Hilari Sacalm (a 26 Km)

Route of the Carrilet from Olot to Girona

La Vall d'en Bas, Les Planes d'Hostoles, Les Preses, Olot ... (a 26.1 Km)

Discovering the Palamós prawn

Calonge - Sant Antoni, Palamós (a 26.4 Km)

Route of Garrell de Argelaguer

Argelaguer (a 26.7 Km)

Literary route in the Modern Catalonia

Barcelona, Santa Cristina d'Aro, Tortosa, Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 26.8 Km)

Route of the Pools of Salenys

Santa Cristina d'Aro (a 26.8 Km)

Route of the castles in Catalonia

Cardona, Figueres, Foradada, Miravet ... (a 27.8 Km)

The sea urchin route, a treat for the palate

Palafrugell (a 28.8 Km)

Fair of Indians

Begur, Palafrugell, Sant Feliu de Guixols (a 28.8 Km)

Petit Train Route, a greenway for the whole family

Palafrugell, Palamós (a 28.8 Km)


New exhibition at the MUHBA: Valldaura, from a medieval palace…

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Giveaway: 2 packs of 2 tickets to visit Catalonia in miniature

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Black Music Festival

21/02/2025 - 23/02/2025 ...

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"Anar-hi Anant" march in Sant Julià del Llor i Bonmatí


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Max 19º
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Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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