Les Masies Greenway Route

Aiguaviva, Vilablareix (a 21.9 Km)

Route of trades in Electric Car through Osona and Ripollès

Les Masies de Voltregà, Manlleu, Ripoll, Torelló ... (a 22 Km)

Catalonia before 1714

Barcelona, Vic (a 22 Km)

After the Nova Planta laws

Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Solsona ... (a 22 Km)

Trying the 1714 food

Barcelona, Cardona, Cervera, Els Prats de Rei ... (a 22 Km)

Route through the historic center of Vic

Vic (a 22 Km)

The volcanoes' kitchen

Besalú, La Vall d'en Bas, Olot, Sant Feliu de Pallerols ... (a 22 Km)

Route through the historic center of Sant Feliu de Pallerols

Sant Feliu de Pallerols (a 22 Km)

Route of the fountains in Sant Gregori

Sant Gregori (a 23.8 Km)

Sanctuary of the Virgin of Help of Balenyà

Balenyà (a 23.9 Km)

Route through Santa María de Sauva Negra in Balenyà

Balenyà (a 23.9 Km)

Hill of the Cross of Gurb from Sant Andreu de Gurb

Gurb (a 24.7 Km)

Tagamanent from the wells of Avencó de Aiguafreda

Aiguafreda, Tagamanent (a 24.8 Km)

Route of the hermitages in Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 25.1 Km)

A tour for golf players in Catalonia

Calafell, Caldes de Malavella, El Catllar, Girona ... (a 25.1 Km)

Circular route pedaling between cork oaks and hot springs

Caldes de Malavella, Cassà de la Selva, Girona, Llambilles ... (a 25.1 Km)

6 places that you cannot miss in Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 25.1 Km)

Urban section of the Thermal Route in Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 25.1 Km)

Urban route: Caldes de Malavella in Time of Wars (1936-1945)

Caldes de Malavella (a 25.1 Km)

Route through the sources and heritage of Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 25.1 Km)

Walk through San Mauricio and the Castillo de la Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 25.1 Km)

A walk through the meadows and the Salt orchards

Salt (a 25.2 Km)

A walk up the hill of Tagamanent

Tagamanent (a 25.5 Km)

Mediterranean Trail

Calafell, Lloret de Mar, Montcada i Reixac, Sant Vicenç dels Horts ... (a 25.6 Km)


Giveaway: 2 packs of 2 tickets to visit Catalonia in miniature

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Discover Authentic Catalonia in February!

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"Anar-hi Anant" march in Sant Julià del Llor i Bonmatí


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Vinyabike Arbúcies 2025


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Morning Weather forecast Morning
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Max 19º
Min 7º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 19º
Min 4º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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