Route along the PR C-93 Trail of Santa Eugènia de Berga

Santa Eugènia de Berga (a 22.2 Km)

We make trekking in Vilada

Vilada (a 22.6 Km)

Circular route through Catllaràs from Sant Romà de la Clusa

Vilada (a 22.6 Km)

Route Canals of San Miguel in Vilada

Vilada (a 22.6 Km)

Road to the Roset Castle in Vilada

Vilada (a 22.6 Km)

Walk of the Doctor in Vilada

Vilada (a 22.6 Km)

The Patum of Berga

Berga (a 22.7 Km)

Berga during the Civil War

Berga (a 22.7 Km)

The Way of the Cathars

Bagà, Bellver de Cerdanya, Berga, Gósol (a 22.7 Km)

Condal Pyrenees: a tour of the medieval Catalan identity

Berga, Besalú, Cardona, Castell de Mur ... (a 22.7 Km)

Permanent orientation circuits in Montclar

Montclar (a 22.8 Km)

Sanctuary of the Virgin of Help of Balenyà

Balenyà (a 22.9 Km)

Route through Santa María de Sauva Negra in Balenyà

Balenyà (a 22.9 Km)

Flower and garden fairs

Girona, Palafrugell, Santpedor (a 23.4 Km)

Route of the castles in Catalonia

Cardona, Figueres, Foradada, Miravet ... (a 23.9 Km)

Local products Ripollès

Campdevànol, Camprodon, Les Llosses, Llanars ... (a 24.1 Km)

Route between the old parishes of Gombrèn, Campdevànol and…

Campdevànol, Gombrèn, Les Llosses (a 24.1 Km)

Route of the Iberians Ausetans

El Brull, Folgueroles, Roda de Ter (a 24.1 Km)

Entering the valley of Sau - Collsacabra

Agramunt, Folgueroles, Rupit i Pruit, Tavertet (a 24.1 Km)

Miquel Martí i Pol literary route

Roda de Ter (a 24.1 Km)

Grand Tour de Catalunya - Section 1. Vineyards with taste in…

Aiguamúrcia, Barcelona, Cabra del Camp, Cardona ... (a 24.9 Km)

Ruta Medieval in Bages

Cardona, Manresa, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Súria (a 24.9 Km)

A walk through the plans of Montmajor in Baix Berguedà

Montmajor (a 25.1 Km)

The Pujol de Planès and the Navel stream in Montmajor

Montmajor (a 25.1 Km)


Catalonia, World Region of Gastronomy 2025

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Participate and win tickets to the Great Museum of Magic

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Carnival in Prats de Lluçanès


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Saltwater Race in Santa Maria d'Oló 2025


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Max 18º
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Morning Weather forecast Morning
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Max 18º
Min 2º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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