Sant Climent Sescebes

Province: Girona | Shire: Alt Empordà | Inhabitants: 521 | Extension: 24,4 Km2 | Altitude: 86 m

Sant Climent Sescebes is a municipality in Alt Empordà, which includes a good part of the middle valley of the Anyet stream, which crosses it from north to south. It has an area of 24.46 km2 and is located at an average altitude of 82 m above sea level. It includes the town of Sant Climent Sescebes, the neighborhoods of Vilartolí and Ullastre and the farmhouses of Rebulls and dels Solers, with the old church of Santa Fe dels Solers.

It limits to the north with the old municipality of Requesens, today the municipality of La Jonquera, to the east with Espolla, to the southeast with Mollet de Peralada, to the south with Masarac, to the west with Capmany and to the northwest with Cantallops. It is located at a crossroads: only 6 kilometers from the N-II, and on the road that, parallel to the Albera mountain range, goes from this main road to Roses. 18 kilometers equidistant from two exits of the AP-7 motorway: Figueres (exit 4) and La Jonquera (exit 2), two roads that connect them with the Perpignan-Figueres-Girona-Barcelona road axis.

What to do

Abellaires Empordanesos

Garriguella (a 6.9 Km)

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SK Kayak Escola de Piragüisme Llançà

Llançà (a 14.6 Km)

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Ecomuseu Farinera de Castelló d'Empúries

Castelló d'Empúries (a 14.7 Km)

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SK Kayak, Ornithocaiac als Aiguamolls

Llançà (a 14.6 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hostal Can Palol

Peralada (a 7.2 Km)

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Can Jai Allotjament Rural

Peralada (a 11.9 Km)

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Mas Renart

Mollet de Peralada (a 1.5 Km)

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Hotel Empordà

Figueres (a 10.7 Km)

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Launches Summer, music&wine

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Music&Wine in Llançà

Llançà (a 14.1 Km)

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The legends of the sea with tasting in Llançà

Llançà (a 14.1 Km)

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6,00 €

Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 34º
Min 17º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 35º
Min 21º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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