the castle fact

L'Arboç, La Bisbal del Penedès, Tarragona, Valls ... (a 25.9 Km)

On a route through the capitals of xató

Calafell, El Vendrell, Sitges, Vilafranca del Penedès ... (a 25.9 Km)

Montcau and La Mola from the neck of Estenalles

Mura, Sant Llorenç Savall (a 26.6 Km)

Route through Vilanova, Miralpeix Castle and Sant Pere de Ribes

Sant Pere de Ribes, Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú (a 26.7 Km)

Sitges, a town accessible

Sitges (a 27.1 Km)

La Morella from Garraf beach

Sitges (a 27.1 Km)

The Vesper La Gloriosa

Font-rubí, Pacs del Penedès, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Santa Oliva (a 27.2 Km)

Know El Masnou, land of the sea

El Masnou (a 28.7 Km)

Tubs among vineyards in the Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort

El Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort (a 29.4 Km)

CIARGA route to Cal Bruna torrent

Santa Margarida i els Monjos (a 29.5 Km)

Route to the hermitage of Penyafel in Santa Margarida i els…

Santa Margarida i els Monjos (a 29.5 Km)

Castle to Castle Route: Penyafort to Castellet in Santa Margarida…

Santa Margarida i els Monjos (a 29.5 Km)

La Sanabra and the San Lorenzo fund

Santa Margarida i els Monjos (a 29.5 Km)

Ribera del Río Foix to Penyafort

Santa Margarida i els Monjos (a 29.5 Km)


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Raffle: Win a family ticket for 5 people to MónNatura Delta…

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Carnival in Castellví de Rosanes


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L'Aranya - TNC - Play by Àngel Guimerà in the National Theater…

22/02/2025 ...

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Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 18º
Min 10º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 17º
Min 9º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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