
Province: Tarragona | Shire: Tarragonès | Inhabitants: 543 | Extension: 12,2 Km2 | Altitude: 165 m

Solomon Township is located in the Northeast sector of the region of Tarragona, in the middle of the triangle formed Tarragona Valls and Vendrell, distanced approximately 20 km each. Gaia River is the natural border between the municipality of Solomon and the Vespella. Solomon's villa is in a valley formed by the mountains of the Sierra de Montferri and other hills that surround it.

Solomon was formed during the Middle Ages, when due to the Reconquista, the area was repopulated. The first documented reference to the area is the end of the tenth century, the beginning of XI, but as a town, the first reference is from 1254. Solomon's population was reduced in 1885 because of a cholera epidemic. Moreover, the population was also affected by the plague that wiped fil ? loxera all vineyards and plunged the town into a severe economic crisis. Years later, with the arrival of the railroad, was offset this serious crisis.

As attractions of this city include the Church of Santa Maria Romanesque Solomon, but due to constant changes Baroque style prevails today, although still Romanesque doorway. Inside the church was built between the years 1708 and 1715 the Chapel of Sant Crist, to preserve the Sant Crist de Salomo, landlord of the town revered throughout the region. Inside the church the villagers represent each May 3 (during Fista Mayor of Solomon) the Ball of Sant Crist, Medieval legend which tells the invention of the Holy Cross.

The oldest remains of the term found in the Cova Cova dels Vergeràs Fonda or near the river Gaia. In this cave found remains of flint and ceramics Eneolítco.

What to do

Casal Auditori La Violeta

Altafulla (a 10 Km)

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Granja Escola Corral de Neri

El Catllar (a 8 Km)

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Aqualeón Water Park

Albinyana (a 9.4 Km)

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Adernats - Vinicola de Nulles

Nulles (a 6.9 Km)

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Where to eat

El Refugi

Valls (a 10.7 Km)

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Arena Tapas Restaurant

Salou (a 26.6 Km)

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L'Orangerie de Clos Barenys

Vila-seca (a 27.6 Km)

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Where to sleep

Gavina Camping Village

Creixell (a 9.9 Km)

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Càmping Arc de Barà

Roda de Berà (a 10.1 Km)

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Hotel Gran Claustre

Altafulla (a 9.8 Km)

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Càmping Stel

Roda de Berà (a 10.1 Km)

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Festival of Creixell

23/07/2024 ...

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Tarragona, city of Castells

24/07/2024 ...

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Camping Carabouille game

Camping Capfun Alba (Creixell) (a 9.2 Km)

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Discover the Royal Monastery of Santes Creus - single entry…

Reial Monestir de Santes Creus (Aiguamúrcia) (a 12.9 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 30º
Min 19º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 30º
Min 20º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


Raffle: Win 2 double tickets for a guided tour of the Tarragona…

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