Salàs de Pallars > Where to sleep

Suggestions nearby

Distance 30km

Can Fasersia

La Pobla de Segur (a 4.7 Km)

Casa de colònies Vagons d’Àger, Fundesplai

Àger (a 24 Km)

Les Brases

Sort (a 27.8 Km)

Hotel-Restaurant Port d'Àger

Àger (a 29.5 Km)

Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 29.8 Km)


FeMAP, Early Music Festival of the Pyrenees in Tremp

13/07/2024 ...

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FeMAP, Early Music Festival of the Pyrenees in Isona i Conca…


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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 11º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 12º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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