Circular route through Catllaràs from Sant Romà de la Clusa

Vilada (a 24.5 Km)

Route Canals of San Miguel in Vilada

Vilada (a 24.5 Km)

Road to the Roset Castle in Vilada

Vilada (a 24.5 Km)

Walk of the Doctor in Vilada

Vilada (a 24.5 Km)

Route of the castles in Catalonia

Cardona, Figueres, Foradada, Miravet ... (a 24.5 Km)

Short circular route through the Malanyeu cliffs

La Nou de Berguedà (a 24.6 Km)

Route between the valley of Camprodon and Alt Vallespir

Molló (a 24.9 Km)

Circular route through the Cima del Matagalls from the Bordoriol…

Molló, Viladrau (a 24.9 Km)

Circular route through the Cingles de Vallcebre

Vallcebre (a 26.6 Km)

La Gallina Pelada from Font Freda (Sierra de Ensija)

Fígols, Gósol, Saldes (a 26.7 Km)

Comabona from El Prat de Aguiló (circular)

Gisclareny (a 27.2 Km)

Gisclareny, his routes in capital letters

Gisclareny (a 27.2 Km)

Cerdanya roads of the bunkers Talló Martinet and Montellà

Bellver de Cerdanya, Montellà i Martinet (a 27.7 Km)

Route for Bellver de Cerdanya

Bellver de Cerdanya (a 27.7 Km)

Picnic in Barcelona area

Barcelona, Berga, Fogars de Montclús, Lluçà ... (a 27.7 Km)

The Witches of the Lluçanès

Lluçà, Prats de Lluçanès, Sant Feliu Sasserra (a 27.7 Km)

The path of the Carlists in La Garrotxa

La Vall d'en Bas, Olot, Riudaura (a 28.7 Km)

Circular route through the Els Munts Sanctuary from Sant Boi…

Sant Boi de Lluçanès (a 29 Km)


Giveaway: 2 packs of 2 tickets to visit Catalonia in miniature

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Game and truffle cuisine in Berguedà

16/01/2025 - 16/03/2025

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Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 16º
Min 1º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 14º
Min 2º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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