El Pinell de Brai

Province: Tarragona | Shire: Terra Alta | Inhabitants: 975 | Extension: 57,0 Km2 | Altitude: 189 m

Pinell del Brai is a municipality that is part of the Terra Alta region (in the south of the Tarragona province). The Pàndols, Vallplana, Talaia and Cavalls mountain ranges surround this municipality. Due to its location, the territory is very hilly and the streets of the town are sloping. However, the highest area is level 705 of the Pàndols mountain range.

The Canaletes River is also part of this natural environment as it runs through the municipality.

Pinell del Brai is mentioned in written documents for the first time in 1153. It is a document in which Ramon Berenguer IV donates the Castle of Pinell del Brai to the Templars. However, it was not until 1198 that it was granted a town charter.

The first houses were built around the castle, which was located on a rocky peak 100 metres high and close to a cliff. For this reason, the houses that remained are known today as the hanging houses.

During the war of succession this municipality was loyal to Philip V. As a reward for this loyalty it received the title of most faithful town and was granted the right to hold a weekly market. During the Civil War this municipality was seriously damaged as it was located in the area where the Battle of the Ebro took place and suffered serious consequences. In fact, you can still see the houses that fell due to the bombings.

You can also visit the Veus del Front Interpretation Centre, which highlights the importance of messaging and propaganda during the battle. The civil war also affected three medieval porticos that remained in the village, of which only one remains, the porxo del llop. The Hermitage of Santa Magdalena was also destroyed. However, it was restored in 1952.

A must-see in this municipality is the Celler Cooperatiu, known as the cathedral of wine and built by César Martinell with a frieze by Xavier Nogués.

Highlighting the parish church of Sant Llorenç, which is accessed via two staircases, as it is located in an elevated position.

**The promotion has been financed by the Autonomous Organization of the Tourism Board of the Provincial Council of Tarragona**

Terres de l'Ebre - Reserva de la Biosfera / Diputació de Tarragona

What to do

Centre d'Estudis de la Batalla de l'Ebre

Gandesa (a 7.7 Km)

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La Passió de Vilalba dels Arcs

Vilalba dels Arcs (a 14.6 Km)

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Coves de Benifallet

Benifallet (a 7.5 Km)

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Cooperativa de Gandesa

Gandesa (a 7.6 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Hotel Nou Moderno

Vilalba dels Arcs (a 14.5 Km)

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Where to sleep

Ca L'Àngel

El Pinell de Brai

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Restaurant Hotel Nou Moderno

Vilalba dels Arcs (a 14.5 Km)

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Hostal Gastronòmic La Creu

Móra d'Ebre (a 13.1 Km)

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Ca la Leonor

Bot (a 11.1 Km)

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Carnival in Benifallet


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Gospel Concert in Horta de Sant Joan


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Flowering in the Ribera d'Ebre with Tarvitur Guided Tours

Tarvitur Visites Guiades (Miravet) (a 7.3 Km)

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The Order of the Temple in Miravet - Templar Castle with Tarvitur

Tarvitur Visites Guiades (Miravet) (a 7.3 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 15º
Min 7º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 11º
Min 3º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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