Parets del Vallès

Province: Barcelona | Shire: Vallès Oriental | Inhabitants: 17.805 | Extension: 9,1 Km2 | Altitude: 98 m

With an important industrial activity point transport, storage and distribution of major companies established in Catalonia, Parets del Valles still retains the old village. Located on a small hill with an interesting commercial center in the streets Mayor, Barcelona and Raval, the historical part of the town has not lost the essence of the extension growth originated from the 30s of XX century. And yet, industrialization, there are interesting relics of the past, like the Tower of Bodegas.

What to do

Turisme al Vallès Oriental

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Pessebre Vivent de Sant Fost

Sant Fost de Campsentelles (a 6 Km)

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Cim d'Àligues

Sant Feliu de Codines (a 14.4 Km)

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Celler Can Roda

Santa Maria de Martorelles (a 5.5 Km)

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Where to eat

Can Solé

Barcelona (a 22 Km)

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La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 20.4 Km)

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Pirineu en Boca

Barcelona (a 20.8 Km)

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Restaurant Windsor

Barcelona (a 20.9 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Molí de la Torre

Bigues i Riells del Fai (a 11.8 Km)

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 9.1 Km)

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Ca l'Andreu Ecoturisme

Tiana (a 9.7 Km)

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Hotel Blancafort Spa Termal

La Garriga (a 12.8 Km)

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"Nosaltres" Festival in Mataró

26/07/2024 ...

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Festival of Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana

25/07/2024 - 28/07/2024

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Oenological visit at Celler Can Roda

Celler Can Roda (Santa Maria de Martorelles) (a 5.5 Km)

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28 €

Vermouth tasting at Celler Can Roda

Celler Can Roda (Santa Maria de Martorelles) (a 5.5 Km)

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38 €

Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 20º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 22º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


Discover the Alta Ribagorça, the authentic Pyrenees

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Raffle: Astronomical experience for a group of up to 6 people…

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