Orís > What to do

Suggestions nearby

Distance 30km

Fuives, centre mundial del ruc català

Olvan (a 28.8 Km)

Inspirabike - Lloguer de bicicletes

Centelles (a 29.1 Km)

Associació del Via Crucis Vivent

Sant Hilari Sacalm (a 29.9 Km)

La Torre de l'amo de Viladomiu Nou

Gironella (a 29.9 Km)


Meeting of Accordionists of Les Llosses

25/07/2024 - 26/07/2024

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FeMAP, Early Music Festival of the Pyrenees in La Seu d'Urgell

26/07/2024 ...

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Instagram Raffle: Win a night + breakfast + Spa session with…

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The definitive tool for lovers of cycling and hiking

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 35º
Min 16º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 19º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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