
Province: Lleida | Shire: Solsonès | Inhabitants: 961 | Extension: 54,8 Km2 | Altitude: 742 m

The municipal term of Olius has an area of ​​more than 50 km² and 961 inhabitants live.

The municipality of Olius is very wide, because in 1847 the term of Olius was added to the term of Castellvell. Within its term there are four parishes: that of Sant Esteve de Olius, that of San Justo-Joval, that of Brics and that of Castellvell.

It has a height of about 600 meters at river level, up to 936 m. of the Torregassa. On the course of the Cardener River there are important old mills, such as the Ratavilla (1098), the Cups (1080), the Rodamilans (1092) and the Puente mill. There was also a forge (1627).

The economy of the municipality is basically agricultural and livestock, although in recent years the industry has become more important. The construction of the industrial estate, preferably of small industry, is the main cause.

A short distance from the church, is the cemetery of Olius, which attracts attention because it escapes from the usual scheme of the other cemeteries.

It combines the fallen rocks of the mountain, symbol of decay and death, with evergreen oak leaves, symbol of life. Death and life in a Christian cemetery. It is the work of the architect Bernardí Martorell who received the modernist influence of Gaudí. It was inaugurated in 1915.

What to do

Castell de Cardona

Cardona (a 12.7 Km)

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Solsona Experience, descobreix el Solsonès

Solsona (a 3.9 Km)

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Globus Pirineu

Solsona (a 1.8 Km)

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Centre Astronòmic del Castell de Lladurs

Lladurs (a 9 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Font Freda

Castellar del Riu (a 24.9 Km)

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Restaurant Gust Pizzeria

Berga (a 27.8 Km)

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Hostal de Pinós

Pinós (a 16.7 Km)

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Restaurant Apartaments Els Roures

Castellar del Riu (a 25.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

La Torreta d'Olius


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Alberg La Rectoria de la Selva, Fundesplai

Navès (a 13.7 Km)

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Càmping el Solsonès

Solsona (a 5.2 Km)

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Hotel La Freixera

Solsona (a 3.9 Km)

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"Solsona dona la nota"

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AIMS Festival in Solsona

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Dramatized visit: Solsona Carnival: The beginning of everything

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12 €

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Solsona Experience, descobreix el Solsonès (Solsona) (a 3.9 Km)

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12.00 € 9.60 €

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Max 31º
Min 12º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
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Max 35º
Min 14º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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