Astronomical observatory route of Catalonia

Àger, Albanyà, Esterri d'Àneu, Lladurs ... (a 25 Km)

Way of the Old Castle of Olivella

Olivella (a 25 Km)

A trip to the universe of calçots

Aiguamúrcia, Alcover, Bràfim, Montblanc ... (a 25.3 Km)

Cistercian Route: Culture, fauna and flora around Santes Creus

Aiguamúrcia, Alcover, Alió, Montferri ... (a 25.3 Km)

On a route through the medieval castles of the Gaià River

Aiguamúrcia, Altafulla, El Catllar, Montferri ... (a 25.3 Km)

1714 Route

Barcelona, Cardona, Cervera, Els Prats de Rei ... (a 26 Km)

Route of the Battle of Prats de Rei

Els Prats de Rei (a 26 Km)

Trying the 1714 food

Barcelona, Cardona, Cervera, Els Prats de Rei ... (a 26 Km)

Route through the Sierra de las Torretes and the Castillo de…

Martorell (a 26.6 Km)

Itinerary of the Monastery of Sant Genís de Rocafort

Martorell (a 26.6 Km)

Itinerary through the city of Martorell

Martorell (a 26.6 Km)

Cistercian Route: gastronomy in Vallbona de les Monges

Agramunt, Guimerà, Llorac, Maldà ... (a 26.8 Km)

Winter road in Conesa

Conesa (a 27 Km)

Cistercian Route: The Poblet Monastery, history and present

El Pla de Santa Maria, L'Espluga de Francolí, Montblanc, Rocafort de Queralt ... (a 27.4 Km)

Route through Vilanova, Miralpeix Castle and Sant Pere de Ribes

Sant Pere de Ribes, Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú (a 27.5 Km)

Route through the Plana de Xim in Roda de Berá

Albinyana, Bonastre, Roda de Berà (a 27.8 Km)

Pau Casals route for El Vendrell

El Vendrell (a 29.2 Km)

Castellsapera and Tres Cruces Hill Route

Terrassa, Vacarisses (a 29.3 Km)

Culture and legends of Ponent in the heart of Catalonia by electric…

Calaf, Cervera, Manresa, Mollerussa ... (a 29.5 Km)

The Route of the Capona in El Pla de Santa Maria

El Pla de Santa Maria (a 29.6 Km)

Mediterranean Trail

Calafell, Lloret de Mar, Montcada i Reixac, Sant Vicenç dels Horts ... (a 29.9 Km)

The origin of Carnival

Solsona, Vilanova i la Geltrú (a 29.9 Km)


Casa Batlló presents 'A Winter's Night', a unique night-time…

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Participate and win tickets to the Great Museum of Magic

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Carnival in Santa Margarida i els Monjos


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Carnival in La Llacuna


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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 17º
Min 8º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 15º
Min 6º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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