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Province: Girona | Shire: Ripollès | Inhabitants: 507 | Extension: 24,7 Km2 | Altitude: 983 m

With an extension of 24.9 km², located halfway between Camprodon and Vilallonga de Ter, at 983 meters above sea level, we find the small town of Llanars, dominating an open and sunny landscape between meadows and fields that are the most plans and uniforms of l'Alta Vall de Ter. It belongs to the region of Ripollès - Gironès.

The town of Llanars is the head of a municipality, which also includes the neighborhoods of Llanarès and Espinauga, and the hamlets of Feitús and Riberal de Feitús.

The parish church of Sant Esteve occupies the center of the urban nucleus. The oldest dwellings, established on the north side of the church, stand on narrow streets of little length, which do not follow any symmetrical distribution.

The town of Llanars is currently, without a doubt, one of the municipalities of the Ripollès region with a higher rate of urban growth.

The first human settlements established in Llanars date from the Bronze Age. Of the two prehistoric vestiges that there are in the municipality, the most important thing is the cave de la Rendilla; This is located at the base of a limestone formation, about a hundred meters of difference with the stream of Feitús.

The other cavity, known as the Salines, has characteristics similar to the cave de la Rendilla.

The most noteworthy places of interest are: The parish church of Sant Esteve, the building of the Rectory and the cave de la Rendilla.

What to do

Ripollès Turisme

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Terra de Comtes i Abats a Sant Joan de les Abadesses

Sant Joan de les Abadesses (a 11.1 Km)

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A Pas d'Isard

Queralbs (a 18.2 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Mític

Camprodon (a 5.8 Km)

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Restaurant el Pont 9

Camprodon (a 1.9 Km)

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La Santa Restaurant

Ribes de Freser (a 16 Km)

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Hostal la Muntanya

Castellar de n'Hug (a 27.3 Km)

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Where to sleep

Càmping Vall de Ribes

Ribes de Freser (a 13.9 Km)

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Hotel Rural Les Planes del Grau

Sant Joan de les Abadesses (a 8.5 Km)

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Casa de colònies Mas Cabàlies, Fundesplai

Ogassa (a 8.3 Km)

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Càmping Conca de Ter

Vilallonga de Ter (a 3.4 Km)

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Summer in Olot - La cua del Drac

23/07/2024 ...

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Clavetaires Cycle and Flame Festival in Campdevànol

26/07/2024 ...

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J. Negrín Exhibition in Camprodón

Camprodon (a 1.9 Km)

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Astronomy Package at the Vall de Núria Hotel

Hotel Vall de Núria (Queralbs) (a 17.9 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 34º
Min 13º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 17º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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