Les Oluges

Province: Lleida | Shire: La Segarra | Inhabitants: 176 | Extension: 19,0 Km2 | Altitude: 528 m

The Oluges is a municipality in the county of Segarra, located on both sides of the upper valley of the banks of the River Sió. The village is crowned by the castle that was part Oluja in the eleventh century brand of Berga, in the county of Cerdanya. In the fourteenth century the lords of the castle were the Oluja family. 1433 became the vicinity of Cervera. the modality of Catalan that is spoken xipella.

Rainfed crops occupy almost the entire term, predominant (barley and oats), followed by olive trees, almond trees and vines, which had great importance before the phylloxera crisis. Livestock and poultry complement the economy.

What to do

La Passió de Cervera

Cervera (a 5.1 Km)

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Memorial de l'Exèrcit popular

Pujalt (a 8.4 Km)

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Espai museístic del Cinema - Col·lecció Josep Maria Queraltó

Vallbona de les Monges (a 27.3 Km)

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Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Vallbona

Vallbona de les Monges (a 27.4 Km)

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Where to eat

Hostal de Pinós

Pinós (a 23.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

La Torre del Codina

Tàrrega (a 14.1 Km)

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Les Corts de Biosca

Sant Mateu de Bages (a 26 Km)

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Mas Baldrich / Petit Mas Baldrich

Querol (a 29.9 Km)

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Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 15.9 Km)

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Bla bla, Oral Narrative Festival in Vallfogona de Riucorb

26/07/2024 ...

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Conill Festival in Pujalt

26/07/2024 - 28/07/2024

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Exhibition "Quaderns de la Segarra" at the Castle of Concabella

Els Plans de Sió (a 12.5 Km)

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The Jewish legacy in Tàrrega

Tàrrega (a 15.9 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 30º
Min 13º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 35º
Min 17º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


Giveaway: win tickets and cool off at Marineland

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Raffle: Astronomical experience for a group of up to 6 people…

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