Circular route pedaling between cork oaks and hot springs

Caldes de Malavella, Cassà de la Selva, Girona, Llambilles ... (a 28.1 Km)

6 places that you cannot miss in Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 28.1 Km)

Urban section of the Thermal Route in Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 28.1 Km)

Urban route: Caldes de Malavella in Time of Wars (1936-1945)

Caldes de Malavella (a 28.1 Km)

Route through the sources and heritage of Caldes de Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 28.1 Km)

Walk through San Mauricio and the Castillo de la Malavella

Caldes de Malavella (a 28.1 Km)

Squirrel route in Premià de Dalt

Premià de Dalt (a 28.3 Km)

Route Forest of Casanoves - El Querol in Collsuspina

Collsuspina (a 29.1 Km)

Route to the hermitage of Sant Cugat de Gavadons in Collsuspina

Collsuspina (a 29.1 Km)


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Commemoration Events for the Anniversary of the Bombing of La…

23/02/2025 ...

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Carnival in Sant Celoni


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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 18º
Min 9º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 18º
Min 6º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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