Route of Catalan art in the 18th century

Arenys de Mar, Barcelona, Les Masies de Voltregà, Mataró ... (a 27.7 Km)

Route between the valley of Camprodon and Alt Vallespir

Molló (a 28.1 Km)

Circular route through the Cima del Matagalls from the Bordoriol…

Molló, Viladrau (a 28.1 Km)

4 circular routes through Graugés, in Avià

Avià (a 29 Km)

Obiols route in Avià by BTT

Avià (a 29 Km)

AviART: Art in the streets of Avià

Avià (a 29 Km)

Route of the three churches in Avià

Avià (a 29 Km)

Circular tour in Pedraforca

Gósol, Saldes (a 29.2 Km)

Pollegó Superior del Pedraforca through Verdet's neck

Gósol, Saldes (a 29.2 Km)

Pollegó Inferior del Pedraforca by the Great Diagonal

Saldes (a 29.2 Km)

Tour of the Gresolet Valley

Saldes (a 29.2 Km)

Cerdanya roads of the bunkers Talló Martinet and Montellà

Bellver de Cerdanya, Montellà i Martinet (a 29.3 Km)

Route for Bellver de Cerdanya

Bellver de Cerdanya (a 29.3 Km)

Route of the fountains of Gironella

Gironella (a 29.3 Km)

Viladomiu Vell river route

Gironella (a 29.3 Km)

Inclusive circuit in Gironella

Gironella (a 29.3 Km)

The battles of 1714

Barcelona, Cardona, Castellví de Rosanes, Corbera de Llobregat ... (a 29.3 Km)

Modernism route: a look at the heritage of Gironella

Gironella (a 29.3 Km)

Route through the historic center of Gironella

Gironella (a 29.3 Km)


650 years of the Catalan Atlas

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Game and truffle cuisine in Berguedà

16/01/2025 - 16/03/2025

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Cycle of Healthy Walks in Guardiola de Berguedà

28/04/2025 ...

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Max 15º
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Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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