
Province: Barcelona | Shire: Vallès Occidental | Inhabitants: 215 | Extension: 16,3 Km2 | Altitude: 502 m

Gallifa, is a small municipality that is part administratively of the Western Vallès but that, geographically, looks and lives facing the Vallès Oriental.

The population, with a census of just over 200 inhabitants, is located in the main valley that crosses the border and has a mountain range that closes it to the north, the highest peak of which is close to 1,000m, that protects it from the coldest winds. This makes it enjoys a mild climate there for 500m. of altitude in which the town is located.

On the other hand, the urban structure of the scattered people has been conserved, in spite of the urban dislocations that the country has suffered in recent decades, and the oldest neighborhoods of the urban center and some of the hamlets scattered throughout the city remain intact and restored. the term.

In this may have helped the fact that the term is outside the scope of the main and secondary routes of road communication, and therefore make this place especially quiet and surprisingly contained in terms of vehicle circulation.

This is particularly relevant because it is just over 40 km from Barcelona and allows a very large contrast between the prevailing calm and the bustle of the capital of Catalonia, which is why many of us have chosen it as a place of residence permanent or occasional

What to do

Cim d'Àligues

Sant Feliu de Codines (a 4.8 Km)

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Museu Internacional dels Titelles de Catalunya, Masia Can Falguera

Palau-solità i Plegamans (a 12.5 Km)

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 7.6 Km)

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Inspirabike - Lloguer de bicicletes

Centelles (a 14.6 Km)

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Where to eat

La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 14.7 Km)

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Restaurant Marisquer Can Ladis

Sant Fruitós de Bages (a 21 Km)

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Where to sleep

Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 7.6 Km)

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Càmping l'Illa

Sant Quirze Safaja (a 5.5 Km)

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Hotel Blancafort Spa Termal

La Garriga (a 14.3 Km)

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Hotel Molí de la Torre

Bigues i Riells del Fai (a 7.8 Km)

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Festival of Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana

25/07/2024 - 28/07/2024

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La Garriga Festival

01/08/2024 - 04/08/2024

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July offer at the Hotel Molí de la Torre!

Hotel Molí de la Torre (Bigues i Riells del Fai) (a 7.8 Km)

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370 € 299 €

Via ferrata of Centelles - Baumes carcomidas

Guies Arania - Guies de muntanya i barrancs (Balenyà) (a 17.1 Km)

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40 €

Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 30º
Min 16º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 33º
Min 18º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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