
Province: Tarragona | Shire: Conca de Barberà | Inhabitants: 43 | Extension: 16,0 Km2 | Altitude: 866 m

On the top of a hill at one end of the Sierra del Tallat, the town of Forès appears majestic, with stone houses that give the place a special charm. A usual summer resort for many visitors, the Cistercian route also passes through Forès and is popularly known as the Conca de Barberà viewpoint, due to the views of the entire region from the town itself.

What to do

Espai Maldanell

Vallbona de les Monges (a 13.1 Km)

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Castell de Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla (a 11 Km)

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Espai museístic del Cinema - Col·lecció Josep Maria Queraltó

Vallbona de les Monges (a 13 Km)

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Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Vallbona

Vallbona de les Monges (a 13 Km)

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Where to eat

El Refugi

Valls (a 23 Km)

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Where to sleep

El Molí Oleari

Montblanc (a 14.8 Km)

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Camping Montblanc Park Capfun

Tarragona (a 13.9 Km)

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Mas Baldrich / Petit Mas Baldrich

Querol (a 13.9 Km)

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Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 7.7 Km)

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Aplec Sardanista in Montblanc


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Riubombori in the Espluga de Francolí


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Discover the Monastery of Santa Maria de Vallbona - single entry…

Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Vallbona (Vallbona de les Monges) (a 13 Km)

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Monumental guided tour of Montblanc

Montblanc (a 14.7 Km)

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10 €

Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 29º
Min 14º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 29º
Min 15º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


The Cistercian Route: three great royal monasteries with a single…

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