From the cultivation areas of Baix Berguedà, the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park and Alto Berguedà, we find ourselves in a land of contrasts with the Llobregat river…
The Casa Rull Museum in Sispony (La Massana) will host a talk entitled “Under the skirts of history. From the corset to the fight for freedom in the evolution of European women's underwear”,…
The Casa d'Areny-Plandolit Museum will be the setting for a concert entitled "The Papers of Maria Rosa Areny-Jordana", performed by David Sanz. This special concert will include a selection of songs that…
At we are proud to have received the 2024 Llengua Nacional Award. This recognition, awarded by the Associació Llengua Nacional with the support of the Department of Culture…
A new exhibition at MUHBA Vil·la Joana reveals the secrets of Valldaura, from a medieval hunting palace to a research centre. The exhibition will remain in the Collserola building until February…