Els Omells de na Gaia

Province: Lleida | Shire: Urgell | Inhabitants: 127 | Extension: 13,5 Km2 | Altitude: 560 m

It is located on the Aigües Vives ravine, on the steps of the Sierra del Tallat, at an altitude of 560 m. Its term limits with the terms of Maldà, Vallbona de les Monges, Rocallaura, Senan and L'Espluga Calba. It is the limit of the Urgell region with Les Garrigues and the Conca de Barberà. The town has its own municipality and is oriented towards the south, occupying the southern slope of a hill where the castle used to be. The crops are basically rainfed: olive trees, almond trees, vineyards and cereals. Agricultural activity is complemented by poultry, pig, sheep and cattle farms.

The landscape is a mixture of forest and cultivated land. The stone terraces save the unevenness of the rough terrain to take advantage of its land. The rocks give a unique note and are present throughout the area. The trees, plants and flowers give a wide range of tones to the landscape depending on the time of year. The forests are made up of pines and oaks and in the undergrowth the bushes and kermes oaks dominate.

In the lower part of the town we find the leisure facilities of the town's Recreational Society: the swimming pool, the recreation park, the café, the dance floor and the sports court.

What to do

Cooperativa Arbequina

Arbeca (a 13.9 Km)

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Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Poblet

Vimbodí i Poblet (a 13.4 Km)

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Pessebre Vivent de l'Espluga de Francolí

L'Espluga de Francolí (a 11.8 Km)

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Vinya els Vilars

Arbeca (a 14 Km)

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Where to eat

El Refugi

Valls (a 28.7 Km)

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Where to sleep

Camping Montblanc Park Capfun

Tarragona (a 16.5 Km)

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Càmping Capfun Serra de Prades

Vilanova de Prades (a 19.6 Km)

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Hotel rural - Xalet de Prades

Prades (a 22.7 Km)

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El Molí Oleari

Montblanc (a 15.6 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 31º
Min 14º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 36º
Min 17º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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