Claro de Luna Itinerary in Santa Maria de Palautordera

Fogars de Montclús, Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Santa Maria de Palautordera (a 24.8 Km)

Picnic in Barcelona area

Barcelona, Berga, Fogars de Montclús, Lluçà ... (a 24.8 Km)

Route to the manresans lock in Balsareny

Balsareny (a 25.2 Km)

Route through the heritage of Balsareny

Balsareny (a 25.2 Km)

Modernism Route of summer break in Vallès Oriental

Cardedeu, Granollers (a 25.8 Km)

Circular route through the Els Munts Sanctuary from Sant Boi…

Sant Boi de Lluçanès (a 25.9 Km)

El Mujal via la cresta (circular)

Navàs (a 25.9 Km)

From Castelladral to Balma de Comaposada (circular)

Navàs (a 25.9 Km)

From Navàs to La Font de Gusart

Navàs (a 25.9 Km)

Ruta Medieval in Bages

Cardona, Manresa, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Súria (a 26.4 Km)

Itinerary through the factories of Santa Maria de Palautordera

Santa Maria de Palautordera (a 26.8 Km)

Walk of the trees of Santa Maria de Palautordera

Santa Maria de Palautordera (a 26.8 Km)

The fountains of Santa Maria de Palautordera

Santa Maria de Palautordera (a 26.8 Km)

Tourdera route: from Sant Celoni to Santa Maria de Palautordera

Sant Celoni, Santa Maria de Palautordera (a 26.8 Km)

Flower and garden fairs

Girona, Palafrugell, Santpedor (a 28.2 Km)

The sweetest route through La Selva, a route for those with…

Amer, Anglès, Arbúcies, Breda ... (a 28.3 Km)

Aiats and Cabrera cliffs from Cantonigròs

L’Esquirol (a 28.3 Km)

Route for adventure parks in Catalonia

Arenys de Munt, Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Dosrius ... (a 28.3 Km)

From Osor to Sant Miquel de les Formigues

Osor, Sant Hilari Sacalm (a 28.5 Km)

Route through Susqueda

Sant Hilari Sacalm, Susqueda (a 28.5 Km)

The passions

Cervera, Esparreguera, Olesa de Montserrat, Sant Hilari Sacalm ... (a 28.5 Km)

Tubs among vineyards in the Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort

El Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort (a 28.9 Km)

Tourdera Route: From la Batllòria to Gualba

Gualba, Sant Celoni (a 29.1 Km)

The Llobregat textile colonies by electric car, a world to discover

Berga, Gironella, Puig-reig (a 29.4 Km)


Participate and win tickets to the Great Museum of Magic

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Commemoration Events for the Anniversary of the Bombing of La…

23/02/2025 ...

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La Vallès Drac Race


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Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 15º
Min 6º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 14º
Min 4º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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