
Province: Barcelona | Shire: Baix Llobregat | Inhabitants: 4.114 | Extension: 18,1 Km2 | Altitude: 388 m

In the Baix Llobregat, exactly Collbató, we find one of the third door to access the mountains of Montserrat. This is one reason why many people go through this town either pitch pattern or to stay.

Collbató enjoys a great natural environment, forest oaks, canals, fantastically shaped rocks, caves ...

In the entire municipality remains found justifying human presence in this area for over 4,000 years including the ceramic, known as Cardial, and caves. The caves were served as a refuge. Interestingly, centuries later a citizen of the town who was banished and became a bandit, Mansuet Boxo, hid there.

These caves known as the Caves of Salnitre Collbató or occupy about 500 meters long filled with stalactites and stalagmites. These boring pass inside the mountains of Montserrat.

On the way to the caves above also find the Ermita de la Mare de Deu de la Salut built in the nineteenth century neo-Gothic style. Near it is a source of sulfur water, the source of the Salut. Collbató Castle are still remnants with which we can get an idea of its Romanesque structure. Basically, what's left of it seems to be a part of the tower.

Currently, the village retains the site of the medieval structure. Many houses retain their original appearance XIII century. Among these medieval looking buildings Vacarisas Can find where he lived Montserrat mayor for a while. Also noteworthy is the ancestral home where he lived and was born Catalan composer and musician, Amadeu Vives. But to know more deeply Collbató is a must the Museum of Things the People located in a village house which shows objects rural and domestic use.

It should be added that this municipality is also recognized by a singular activity, craft building organs. To learn more respect you can visit the Organ Workshop Blancafort. Furthermore, in the parish church of Sant Corneli, in Romanesque style, you can admire a huge organ built by Gabriel Blancafort.

What to do

Turisme Baix Llobregat

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Granja Aventura Park

Viladecavalls (a 12 Km)

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Fundació Xarxa Espectacles familiars

Terrassa (a 14.7 Km)

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Globus Kon-Tiki

Òdena (a 14.7 Km)

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Where to eat

Cal Pau Xic

Subirats (a 17 Km)

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Bodega Miquel Jané

Font-rubí (a 22.3 Km)

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Restaurant Marisquer Can Ladis

Sant Fruitós de Bages (a 20.4 Km)

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Where to sleep

Can Puig

Sant Salvador de Guardiola (a 13.8 Km)

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Alberg Viladoms de Baix, Fundesplai

Castellbell i el Vilar (a 7 Km)

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Masia Mas Set-Rengs

Sant Salvador de Guardiola (a 13.7 Km)

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Casa de colònies Can Santoi, Fundesplai

Molins de Rei (a 23.4 Km)

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Jazz Festival Terrassa 2025

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Craft Beer Fair in Ullastrell


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The Tram Route in Baix Llobregat

Turisme Baix Llobregat

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Fairs, festivals and events in Baix Llobregat

Turisme Baix Llobregat

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Weather forecast

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Max 18º
Min 10º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
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Max 19º
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Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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