Route through the Pico del Estanyó in Ordino, Andorra

Ordino (a 26.3 Km)

Delve into the Menairons Forest in Andorra

Pal (a 26.7 Km)

Circular route through the Parish of Canillo in Andorra

Canillo (a 26.8 Km)

Tozal of Cambrils

Odèn (a 27.7 Km)

The Salt River

Lladurs, Odèn (a 27.7 Km)

GR1 route through Odèn, from Canalda to Valldan

Odèn (a 27.7 Km)

Tour of Canalda, in Odèn

Odèn (a 27.7 Km)

The Coscollet from Aubàs (Sierra de Aubenç)

Coll de Nargó, Peramola (a 29 Km)

Short circular route through the Malanyeu cliffs

La Nou de Berguedà (a 29 Km)

A tour for golf players in Catalonia

Calafell, Caldes de Malavella, El Catllar, Girona ... (a 29.1 Km)


Casa Batlló presents 'A Winter's Night', a unique night-time…

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Participate and win tickets to the Great Museum of Magic

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Game and truffle cuisine in Berguedà

16/01/2025 - 16/03/2025

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 13º
Min -3º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 9º
Min -2º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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