Bigues i Riells del Fai

Province: Barcelona | Shire: Vallès Oriental | Inhabitants: 8.664 | Extension: 28,6 Km2 | Altitude: 307 m

The natural surroundings takes on special meaning when one comes to Bigues i Riells del Fai, where the forest and plenty of water for centuries have drawn the face of a scattered and mainly rural population, where hikers will find trails that are like little treasures. After phylloxera, diversified agriculture and first appeared hazelnuts, almonds and hemp. But the beauty of the landscape turned this population summer destination already in the 60s.

What to do

Turisme al Vallès Oriental

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Museu Internacional dels Titelles de Catalunya, Masia Can Falguera

Palau-solità i Plegamans (a 9.5 Km)

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Inspirabike - Lloguer de bicicletes

Centelles (a 13.4 Km)

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Museu Arxiu Tomàs Balvey

Cardedeu (a 11.8 Km)

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Where to eat

La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 9.5 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Molí de la Torre

Bigues i Riells del Fai

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 7.1 Km)

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Càmping l'Illa

Sant Quirze Safaja (a 6.8 Km)

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Hotel Blancafort Spa Termal

La Garriga (a 5.3 Km)

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Festival of Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana

25/07/2024 - 28/07/2024

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Festival of Sant Fost de Campsentelles

25/07/2024 - 29/07/2024

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July offer at the Hotel Molí de la Torre!

Hotel Molí de la Torre (Bigues i Riells del Fai) (a 1.4 Km)

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370 € 299 €

Gravel in Vallès Oriental, Adventure Cycling

Turisme al Vallès Oriental (a 9.5 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 20º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 32º
Min 22º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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