
Province: Lleida | Shire: Urgell | Inhabitants: 508 | Extension: 15,7 Km2 | Altitude: 373 m

The town of Belianes stands on a plateau at an altitude of 373 m, to the left of the River Corb, where it changes direction.

Its elevated position makes it a magnificent viewpoint over the plain of Urgell. The urban nucleus extends in decline towards the western sector, while the orchards reach the river on the eastern side.

The term has a substantially polygonal shape that goes into Bellpuig. It limits to the north with Vilanova de Bellpuig and Bellpuig. To the east with Sant Martí de Maldà, to the south with Maldà and to the west with Arbeca and the region of Les Garrigues.

The municipal term of Belianes is in the final course of the Corb river valley. The territory slopes gently from south to north towards the plain lands of Urgell, with heights that range between 220 m and 373 m in altitude. The term adjoins the neighboring counties of Les Garrigues and Pla d'Urgell. Agriculture is the main economic activity of the term. Cereals, almond trees, olive trees and vines are cultivated. The cooperative of the field commercializes part of the oil of the olive trees that are cultivated in its term. The Urgell canal irrigates many of these farmlands. Livestock, with the raising of pigs and calves, and the tiles dedicated to building materials complement the economic activity of the area. The town has sports facilities and cultural facilities that mean that, although it is a small municipality, it has many resources and attractions that give great wealth to the town and its people.

What to do

Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Vallbona

Vallbona de les Monges (a 7.1 Km)

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Espai Maldanell

Vallbona de les Monges (a 7 Km)

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Castell de Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla (a 10.2 Km)

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Oli Raig d'Arbeca

Arbeca (a 8 Km)

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Where to eat

El Dien Restaurant

Vallfogona de Balaguer (a 27.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 20 Km)

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Camping Montblanc Park Capfun

Tarragona (a 24.8 Km)

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Càmping Capfun Serra de Prades

Vilanova de Prades (a 24.1 Km)

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Càmping Prades Park

Prades (a 27.9 Km)

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Tapas Route in Les Borges Blanques

26/07/2024 ...

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Bla bla, Oral Narrative Festival in Vallfogona de Riucorb

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Discover the Monastery of Santa Maria de Vallbona - single entry…

Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Vallbona (Vallbona de les Monges) (a 7.1 Km)

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Garrigues Guitar Festival in Vinya els Vilars

Vinya els Vilars (Arbeca) (a 8.6 Km)

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15 €

Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 31º
Min 14º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 36º
Min 17º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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