Masías and Refugees in the Ametlla del Vallès

Masías and Refugees in the Ametlla del Vallès

This tour is a walk through the most important farmhouses and the history of agriculture in the Ametlla del Vallès, the economic activity that has transformed the territory the most. It also introduces us into the life and personal circumstances of many refugees from the Spanish Civil War who found shelter in the village farms, leaving a historical testimony.

The total distance of the route is 6.3 km, with a vertical drop of 120 meters.

Approximate time: 2 hours and 15 minutes, low difficulty.


r218_cal_penedes Can Panedes

Farmhouse with an important agricultural tradition that still conserves this activity. Referred already in the thirteenth century, highlights an imposing era, built in the 20s of the last century. During the Civil War it welcomed several refugees although the written references have not registered the number.

Can Plan r218_planted tada

Farmhouse documented since the 12th century. The oldest part that is conserved is the kitchen and date of 1570. The lintel doorway, the sundial, the kitchen with large fireplace -with a stone center of Molí-, the huge dining room or the rooms with frescoes in the nineteenth-century walls are some of the elements that show its historical importance and power.

Highlights, among other elements, the square tower that houses the noble wing, built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; the grotto, which served to keep food fresh; and the old kitchens, which served to accommodate refugees during the civil war.

Can Plandolit

Masia of great majesty, referenced, for the first time, in the year 1132. It rises in an area dominated by the most powerful farmhouses of the Almond - the Plantada, Plandolit and Draper. It conserves a small part of the original nucleus, from the 12th and 13th centuries.

Most of the current building corresponds to the seventeenth century, when the most important extension of the house was made, which was consolidated until the mid-nineteenth century. It has a fortified district built around 1700. During the civil war , 5 refugees from Mequinenza, who arrived in April 1937 , hid themselves.

Can Draper

r218_draper One of the historical farmhouses of the Ametlla with more power, along with Can Plantada, Can Plandolit and Can Xammar de Dalt. It is a complex built between the 12th and 16th centuries, and built around a large central patio. It emphasizes the Gothic decoration in doors and windows and a tower of defense, of quadrangular plant and 4 levels.

About 100 meters north of the house is the raft-Drapera. This was filled with water from the Draper irrigation and supplied the garden raft, which has now disappeared. Between 1937 and 1939 there were 14 refugees from different areas of occupied Republican Spain.



Masías and Refugees in the Ametlla del Vallès

Source: City Council of L'Ametlla del Vallès

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