The Coscollet from Aubàs (Sierra de Aubenç) > Where to sleep
Coll de Nargó
Càmping Oliana
Oliana (a 11 Km)Enjoy an idyllic environment at Camping Oliana! Where you can stay in…
Mas Ampurdanés
La Baronia de Rialb (a 17.3 Km)It is located on the outskirts of the village of Pallerols, in…
El Racó de Cal Maró / Molí del Pau
Montferrer i Castellbò (a 22.4 Km)An old barn from 1840 and a mill restored as an Independent…
Refugi de l'Arp
La Vansa i Fórnols (a 17.4 Km)The Refuge has 24 beds spread over 5 rooms equipped with bunk…
Mas Ampurdanés
La Baronia de Rialb (a 4.8 Km)It is located on the outskirts of the village of Pallerols, in…
Càmping Oliana
Oliana (a 3.4 Km)Enjoy an idyllic environment at Camping Oliana! Where you can stay in…
Hotel La Freixera
Solsona (a 21.8 Km)Discover Hotel la Freixera, a charming boutique hotel located in the middle…
La Torreta d'Olius
Olius (a 25 Km)Enjoy an authentic Catalan farmhouse, which was documented in the year 900…