Route of coca and sausage in Prats de Lluçanès

Route of coca and sausage in Prats de Lluçanès

Prats de Lluçanès has a traditional delicacy that mixes sweet and salty, sweet coca and longaniza.

We propose a tour of eight establishments in the town, marked on a map where you can taste and buy different specialties of coca and longaniza that are made. The route does not have a defined itinerary and you can create your own.

It is suitable for all ages and to do with family, groups,... Bon appetit!

We eat food in a generally accepted order. Let us accept certain patterns and sequences as correct. At a meal, we serve salads and vegetables as starters, while fish and meat are usually the main dishes. All this sharing a generic denomination of savory dishes, since we understand that sweet delicacies are reserved for dessert. In terms of taste, but, nothing is black or white.

r225_coca Renowned chefs from contemporary cuisine, without going any further, present seductive sweet proposals for aperitifs, very reduced fruit sauces or succulent meats with well caramelized crusts. Ingenious combinations, adapted techniques, new flavors and, sometimes, of our land. Bread and grapes, aubergines with sugar, cod with raisins and pine nuts, prawns with chocolate, duck with cherries, rabbit with plums, veal with pears, are some of the many examples of this natural combination of sweet and savory ingredients in Catalan cuisine.

Who says kitchen says sausages. It may very well be that people from other cultures see the sweet blood sausage, typical of the Empordà, as an exotic delicacy. In such a way as this happy life couple that is coca and sausage may seem. To the people of Osona, in general, and Lluçanès, in particular, coca and longaniza together are bocatto di cardinale.

Hence, Prats de Lluçanès has made a banner and is the nerve center of coca and longaniza. The coca can be made from a bakery, made from bread dough, with sugar on top, or with a splash of anise to water it. Or it can be pine nuts and candied fruits or puff pastry, it doesn't matter.

r225_llong The longaniza can be inspired by the country style , leaner than fat and with a pleasant stale flavor from a dark pantry, or you can opt for the artisan model, made with well-chopped and short-cured pasta. As many cocas as bakers and pastry chefs there are in Prats; as many sausages as butchers.

The route consists of 8 establishments in the town, producers of coca, sausage and other specialties: Ca La Loreto, Fusté Bakery, Girvés Pastry, Vilamú Bakery, Cal Janet, Ca la Rosa, J. Bruch oven, El Mostrador.

Prats de Lluçanès offers a unique route: that of coca and longaniza. Make paths of taste!

You can download the route brochure at this link.

Source: Prats de Lluçanès Town Council

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