Modernism Route of summer break in Vallès Oriental

Modernism Route of summer break in Vallès Oriental

Modernism was a cultural movement that swept Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

In Catalonia this movement reached relevant dimensions. Therefore, today we can find examples of this legacy in many populations of Catalonia.

The route of the Vallès Oriental modernism is further testimony, which is part of the set of all routes in Catalonia Modernist.

However, this route is characterized by the discovery of modernist buildings that host the municipalities of Granollers and Cardedeu and were used for summer.

The architecture for the holiday became popular in the early twentieth century by the big bourgeoisie of Barcelona. These families sought the cool summer, far from the city of Barcelona. Therefore, building encargaban nice big mansions in the Vallès Oriental renowned architects as Manel Joaquim Raspall.

In fact, at that time ran the phrase "a box at the Liceu and a tower in Cardedeu ".

Granollers, modern commercial city

Casa Modernista Ramoneda to Granollers The capital of Vallès Oriental, Granollers , has been characterized throughout history, being a commercial city. But it was not until the early twentieth century, coinciding with the modernism that grew and consolidated as a commercial center.

This expansion was accompanied by the construction, especially after 1907, many residential and public buildings, still preserved today.

Most of this architecture was designed by Manel Joaquim Raspall, the municipal architect of the villa, for this reason, the proposed routes are known also as Route Raspall.

Currently, the buildings that were built can be visited through an itinerary that starts, usually, at the Museum of Granollers. Each of these buildings is advisable to observe carefully, since none of them is equal.

Modernist route through the capital of Vallès Oriental

For the essence of modernism remains intact in the city of Granollers have to stand on the Plaza de la Porxada, space has become the flagship of the population and was the commercial node Granollers for many years.

Modernist Porxada Plaça Granollers The Porxada was conceived, in some beginnings as grain market. And, because of its importance, it is not surprising that they are around significant buildings, such as City Hall or Casa Clapés.

Both modernist style, the city is characterized by a building recreation and medieval inspiration Clapp House, Raspall work shows a typically modernist decor.

Next to this location, there are other works of architect Raspall. More geometric style stands the Casa Sebastian Costa (Calle Santa Ana), known also as Can Biel and was built in 1928.

Casa Modernista Clapés current Granollers ajuntament Down the road, but right across the street, there is another house of the same owner, House Sebastian Costa, who was also renovated by architect Raspall. This building features a brick facade, typical of Art Nouveau.

Seguin the itinerary, in the Plaza of the Pots, retained Tardà Josep House, built in 1903 by Adolf Rou where it is advisable to look with ceramics that decorate the facade.

Can Puntes (i Grau Espí Street) is another building with Raspall footprint, as it rebuilt the house after the screening carried out by the architect Eduard M. Balcells.

Moving away from the center and following Corró Street is a public space that hosts the Tarafa room, which was part of an old gothic renovated hospital Raspall it became later in library. The Chamber noted for being decorated with engravings and stained glass windows inside.

The prominence of this building, on this street, is shared with the House Joan Sanpera, the owner of which he was an Indian and commissioned in 1912, building his summer home and Torner Joan Albert.

All this is completed by modernist legacy Blanxart House, Casa Ganduxer, a set of 12 dwellings Jaume Corbera and Asylum Hospital.

... and a tower in Cardedeu

In the early twentieth century popularized an expression that said "a box at the Liceu and a tower in Cardedeu ".

Tower or Torre Montserrat Gual Cardedeu (Modernism) This town located in the center of the depression vallesana became a modernist population due to the construction of the railway line and the county road at the end of the nineteenth century, which improved considerably, their communication.

With these improvements in accessibility the city grew rapidly with new buildings that were erected in the vicinity of these pathways. These constructs were characterized by a unique architecture that is based on towers built by holidaymakers modernist Barcelona .

Today towers still stand the road, especially Montserrat Gual Tower. However, Cardedeu retains other modernist buildings, including the predominance Raspall style is predominant.

Route modernist Cardedeu

Cardedeu hosts the first commission received Raspall architect to a private person, specifically Ms. Mercè Espinach.

Casa Modernista Alqueria Raspall Mercè Cloelia Cardedeu The summer home of Mrs. Espinach, known as Alqueria Cloelia, was built in the Gran Via of Thomas Balvey in 1904 and has all the characteristics of Raspall.

In a parallel street of this building are located Pericas Josep Casas i Rosello, a set of two modernist houses residential and resort not work, too, Raspall.

Next to them is preserved Montserrat Tower, an example of a garden summer house work around Eduard M. Balcells. In fact, this was the only work he built in Cardedeu . Pay attention to the cover mosaic and wrought iron cresting the tower stands in question.

Modernist house Golferichs to Cardedeu.jpg In Montseny Street is one of the few examples of modernist buildings with a different utility to summer. We refer to Cal Peó, a former warehouse work, again, Raspall and today has become a public space.

Entering the heart of Cardedeu and following Raspall's work, on the street is the House Golferichs hospital, which is relevant to their barred windows and balconies, and the House Maso, who was an old house that reformed for summer house.

Completing the route Viader House, which was the summer residence of the inventor of Cacaolat, Casa Arquer, Can Llibre, Clavell House, Casa Borras, Casa Balvey, Els Pinetons, Ricós House, the farmhouse Joan Niella, the municipal cemetery, and finally, the Farm Viader.

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