Live the water paths of Alta Ribagorça > Where to sleep
El Pont de Suert
Casa Coll (Barruera)
La Vall de Boí (a 11.6 Km)Casa de Coll is a manor house, located in Barruera, which has…
Roch Hotel - Restaurant
Sort (a 29.9 Km)Small rural hotel with a family character, very cozy where its owners…
La Vall de Boí
Casa Coll (Barruera)
La Vall de BoíCasa de Coll is a manor house, located in Barruera, which has…
Carros de Foc
Vielha e Mijaran (a 21.5 Km)Carros de Foc is an organization, which includes the new refues of…
Hotel Lo Paller
Alt Àneu (a 28.8 Km)Mountain Hotel, located in the town of Valencia d'Àneu, halfway between the…