Itinerary the domain of water in L'Estany

Itinerary the domain of water in L'Estany

The tin is gone, but the natural and human traces are still very present. The witnesses associated with its history are found throughout: the mine, a great engineering work that facilitated the drying of the lake, and the irrigation systems, which still fulfill their duty of channeling the waters to the mine.

In l'Estany we find a large number of fountains spread throughout the territory. They are located in the mountains and the plains, and provided a fundamental service to the population, both domestic and hygienic. The Old or Las Eras Fountain and the Medio Prat Fountain are two clear examples.

Water also has an important role as a generator of energy. Although poorly preserved or transformed, the territory had a set of flour mills.

Irrigation of Los Nogales

It is part of the network of drainage channels and we know that it already existed in 1554, when the monastery ordered the repair and improvement of the lake's drainage systems.

The Mine of l'Estany

Great civil work built between 1734 and 1737 that facilitated the final evacuation of the lake's waters and, therefore, its drying. You can follow the route, observe its interior and see the final section right at Pontarró.

The Pedró del Pontarró

Sculpture of the seventeenth century. On a stone base and inside a small chapel there are sculpted Christ Crucified, the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and the two thieves, with the city of Jerusalem engraved in the background.

The Old Fountain or source of the Eras

Built in 1756 under the name of Fuente de las Eras, it later became the Old Fountain. A tombstone tells us about the character who had it built. Of daily use by the neighbors, it constitutes a reference of identity for the estanyencs.

The old pond

Now that you know that the pond is not there, walk through almost thirty thousand square meters that it occupied. A special vegetation and fauna await you... You will enjoy spectacular images of l'Estany.

The term cross

Popularly known as the Stone Cross, it was sculpted in the 14th century and is in the Gothic style. It is very important to look at the sculptural work on the capital, in which an important part of the Lake's own symbolism can be seen.

Source: City Council of L'Estany

What to do

Guies Arania - Guies de muntanya i barrancs

Balenyà (a 11.8 Km)

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Federació Pessebres Vivents de Catalunya

Tona (a 9.8 Km)

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Centre d’Interpretació el Camp de les Lloses

Tona (a 9.5 Km)

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Mas Casablanca

Taradell (a 14.5 Km)

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Where to eat

Bar Restaurant Xato

Gironella (a 26.5 Km)

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Braseria Les Comes

L’Esquirol (a 29.5 Km)

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Restaurant Marisquer Can Ladis

Sant Fruitós de Bages (a 23.8 Km)

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La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 18.4 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Can Pamplona

Vic (a 12.7 Km)

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Càmping El Pont de Barcelona

Vilanova de Sau (a 24.8 Km)

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Càmping Riera de Merlès

Borredà (a 26.3 Km)

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El Racó d'Artés

Artés (a 15.6 Km)

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