Geological itinerary through the Brai de Oló > Where to eat

Santa Maria d'Oló

La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 23.6 Km)

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Hostal de Montclar

Montclar (a 27.6 Km)

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Restaurant Marisquer Can Ladis

Sant Fruitós de Bages (a 19.3 Km)

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Bar Restaurant Xato

Gironella (a 22 Km)

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Clue game: Simona the archaeologist in Lluçanès

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Perot Rocaguinarda Interpretation Center

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Route of the Forge in Lluçanès

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Escape Room - Perot Rocaguinarda

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Lluçanès on horseback

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Festival of Roser de Puigcerdà

17/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Sant Gregori Festival

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Santa Magdalena Festival in Canyelles

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Feast of Saint Magdalene in Caseres

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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