The route of the bandit Serrallonga

The route of the bandit Serrallonga

Probably many of you have heard of Serralonga adopted the nickname Joan Ferrer Sala. Known as the Robin Hood Catalan and this character is known as the man who robbed the rich to give everything to the poor. Currently, it is considered a patriotic hero as part of celebrities and myths of Catalan history, which has been the subject of many poems, songs, etc..

Because of its popularity in our history we have seen fit to present, on this occasion, this route will reveal more secrets about Serrallonga and with which you can Delve through the woods in which he moved nimbly and where he made his robberies.

Also, you will act out and rebuild those fragments that you will read about the successes of the same bandit.

The interest that still arouses in Serrallonga has inspired femturismo to collaborate with Ivoox to make a podcast. This podcast is distinguished by an interactive dynamic, where Ivoox asks the questions, while femturisme contributes its experience by answering and revealing fascinating details about the life of the famous bandit.

The podcast was titled: Serrallonga, the Catalan Robin Hood and you can listen to it in Spanish by clicking "here".

Here we leave you the transcript of the podcast.

The route passes through the towns of Viladrau , Osorno , Angles , Sant Hilari Sacalm and Santa Coloma de Farners and their environment, highlighting its natural beauty space Guilleries.

All these municipalities are part of the region of La Selva. Except Viladrau belonging to the Osona.

Alert you that the route is complicated and is best done in sections, some of which coincide with the Long Distance Path GR-178.

Well, say no more ... allow yourselves for these spaces and get in the role of a true thug, Serrallonga!

The early days of Joan Sala

Masia La Sala (Serrallonga) The route will begin at the Viladrau as it is in the municipality of the town where it is the birthplace of Joan Ferrer Sala, alias Serrallonga.

To reach it we have to access the track that is near the house called The Barite, in which we see a stone that shows us the way to go to the house where he was born Serrallonga the April 23, 1594.

The farmhouse, as the very name indicates the character, is known by the name of "the Chamber" and is located in a bucolic space, surrounded by forests and host crops in the valley that has the same name.

The family room Ferrer was one of the most important and well shelves Viladrau but gradually fell into decay.

Serrallonga was the fifth child of nine children, of whom four are devoted, too, to banditry, which had the nyerro Joan Sala and Joana Ferrer.

Serrallonga Aiming when he was only four years his mother, Joana Ferrer, died.

The origin of the nickname Serrallonga

The route continued it by Sant Hilari Sacalm because when Joan Sala was higher was working in this area, specifically, in Can Tarrés and where he met who would be his wife, Margarida Tallades i Serrallonga.

So, in 1618 Joan Ferrer Sala married the eldest daughter of the house Serrallonga of Keros, of which his remains to seventeen miles of Sant Hilari Sacalm .

We visit the house taking the road that is on the road between Keros and Vallclara.

Cova d'en Serrallonga The house stood on the church of Sant Martí de Querós, place of worship where he married.

From the marriage with five children obtained Margarida - Elizabeth, Antoni, Mariana, Josep Baltasar and Isidre-and also popularized the nickname, Serrallonga.

Thereafter he devoted his time to make peasant and began to combine with petty theft, often aided by his brothers or other bandits as they lived a general crisis in the country and many Catalans chose to become outlaws.

Still, his tranquility was shattered in 1622 because his neighbor, Manel Bofarull, betrayed him and had to flee and hide.

Some of hiding caves were Budeny Valley, known later as Serrallonga caves. They are close to the house of Querós Serrallonga.

Life as a bandit and his gang

Thereafter Serrallonga had no choice but to engage in banditry. He formed a gang, which had more than 100 men and carried out the thefts and robberies with guns, flintlocks, pistols and daggers by Old Catalonia, mainly in the area of Guilleries and Collsacabra.

Guilleries (Tavartet) The farmers I honoraban and helped them protect their land. And, also, was beloved by the citizens who hid from the authorities.

For forests and roads that Serrallonga moved easily follow the path of Sant Hilari Sacalm to Osorno , Guilleries crossing.

In fact, Joan Hall was also named king of Guilleries.

Once we get to Osorno continue the path towards Angles , following the GR-178.

Along this stretch transcurriremos for crossroads where Serrallonga and his gang They performed the robberies. In this case, the place of Ruscall Coll.

In 1631 he disbanded the crew and Serrallonga took refuge in the Pyrenees.

The last days of Serrallonga

In the latter part of the route we will go to Serrallonga Angles .

Ball d'en Serrallonga Serralonga at the time, was found wandering without media and scraping the Pyrenees, which revived so intensely, a new love affair with a girl of about 19 ??years, Joana Massissa.

With her new committed robberies and escapes and shared their lives all the time together.

This was broken again when he was betrayed by the heir of the house of ca l'Agustí of Santa Coloma de Farners in October 1633, space where her dear refuge where both were captured and sentenced him to death.

Thereafter the bandit life ended but lived legend forever.

Serrallonga Parties

Torna Festa Serrallonga (Sant Hilari Sacalm) Most municipalities that Serrallonga was linked in some way or had some connection commemorated each year a festival dedicated to the popular bandit.

In Sant Hilari Sacalm and Guilleries celebrate the feast of "Torna in Serrallonga" (returns Serrallonga). Over a weekend in late September is located in the town of Sant Hilari Baroque market, there are guided tours of the natural environment bandit songs are organized workshops, etc..

Pel · lícula Serrallonga (TVC) Also, in Viladrau , during the month of August, a different recreational activities that revolve around the figure of legend Serrallonga and bearing the name "l'estiu bandoler" (summer bandit).

The most notable event is bandoleres nits (nights bandoliers) dramatized night itineraries.

Nor can we forget the more than 8 Collas Serrallonga existing dance that are spread all over Catalonia and are dedicated to this bandit gang and Serrallonga recreate.

Serrallonga bandit Life has also been narrated by different authors as Dilmé or Xavier Ricard Roviro, among others, and brought to the screen in miniseries format in a TV3 production.

In this aspect also highlights the song that created the group Esquirols and which read:

The cor Guilleries
sortirà great espetec
that war Ressons farà
to them Tavertet parets

Sau Des La Cellera,
give the Far to Metagalls,
the trabuc d'en Serrallonga
als be turned amagatalls.

Torna, becomes, Serralonga
that l'ens alzina cremated,
that ens arrencaran pedres them,
ens the terra stolen.


Aim: Nyerros vs. Cadells

In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century Catalonia was divided into two camps, the nyerros and cadells.

They were appointed members nyerros Catalan nobility defending the rights of the lords. By contrast, the cadells defended the rights of peasants and citizens.

Both sides were in constant struggle.

What to do

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