We make trekking in Vilada

We make trekking in Vilada

Vilada is a small municipality in the Berguedà region with just over 400 inhabitants in an incomparable natural environment.

We propose a series of itineraries so you can get to know more about all the architectural and natural heritage of the area! You will visit the remains of the castle, chapels and Romanesque churches, and enjoy a rural architecture with an important bulk of picturesque houses.

Which one do you choose to start?





r203_pincencel Itinerary Sierra de Picancel

In the Sierra de Picencel, we can make the tour of the ridge of this mountain of a duration of 3 hours and 56 minutes by the Pont del Doro, Can Mitger, (place of camping), San Miguel canals, crest of the sierra. We can also admire the Romanesque church of San Miguel. To the west the Serrat del Águila takes off, and the Migdia rises, the Colletons channel, and the Serrat de Midi summit, at an altitude of 1,076 m.

Itinerary Serrat del Migdia and Salga Aguda

At the Serrat de Migdia and Salga Aguda we will arrive with an approximate route of 3 hours and 48 minutes by the Doro Bridge, Can Mitge (camping place) cresta general, east direction. We will pass through Cingle del Fear, Serrat de Migdia, Pico de Perris, 1,043 m high.

We will also pass through Serrat Girasol, at 1,081 meters high, between Perris peak and Cuello del Tei, at 990 m high and we will find the peak of Salga Aguda at 1,171 meters. The highest falls in Can Salga, at 1,060 m in height. In addition, from the Collado de la Cruz de Salga you can go to the Sanctuary of the Quar, 1,069 m high, 55 minutes by the neck of Gavatx.

Itinerary Monastery of San Pedro de la Portella

r203_sant_pere In the Portella we will arrive through an itinerary of 2 hours and 15 minutes, by the Climent bridge, the Boixader Mill, by the road that goes to Borredà, concretely in the kilometer 35. At this point the road to the Coll del Tei, where the curve of the road originates, we can go down in the stream, by the Climent Bridge, above we will see the Coll del Tei at 900 m high.

We will have to cross the neck and go down and shortly after you will see the Monastery of San Pedro de la Portella, at 800 m altitude and about 27 minutes. Located on a landing (suitable for camping), there is the stream and the fountain, and above the valley frontaniana, we will see the castle of the lords.

The church and the cloister after the church are Romanesque. In the year 1003 the monastery was already founded and inhabited by monks. The remaining walls show the importance of this monastery frequented by the people of Vilada.

Itinerary Santa Magdalena de Guardiolans

In the Eras de Guardiolans, 49 minutes from the road in Borredà, at kilometer 34, the forest road starts, and on the left, there is more. You're from Guardiolans, it's a big house in a secluded, intimate and austere place.

At a short distance are Santa Magdalena de Guardiolans, suffragan of Vilada. It is a chapel of the s. XVII, already mentioned at 839 (Gardilane), this is formed by a nave covered with a barrel vault and without an apse, with an outstanding bell tower of two vain belfries and a porch next to noon that covers the entrance door.

It is an austere Romanesque example, in good condition and located in a landscape of great beauty surrounded by mountains. Next is the house Solé, with large galleries. And a little further away, there is the Santpere house, of Catalan noblemen. In this old house had been fastened in the ceiling chain shackles to hang the vassals who were punished by order of the feudal. The shackles were semicircular iron arches, with two holes through which passes a bolt, which served to secure a chain to the neck of the leg.

Itinerary San Miguel de Canales

r203_miquel On the other side of the Margançol, the southern sector of the area, and dominating the rough San Miguel canals, stands at an altitude of 1,000 meters, on the border with Cercs and Quar, the small church of San Miguel. of Channels.

It is a Romanesque church, with a single nave and a barrel vault, finished with a semicircular apse and a bell tower with a single window; the entrance door to the front wall is of modern era.

It was accessed from Vilada through a stone bridge near the Molino del Caballero, a bridge that has been rendered useless by the Pantano de la Baells. The City Council is fighting to recover this step, as it had been agreed in the event that the waters covered it. It goes by a rough road that does not allow the passage of vehicles and that climbs by cliffs through the Canals.

What to do

Turisme del Berguedà

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Menjars per emportar Boca a Boca

Berga (a 8.7 Km)

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Centre d'interpretació Dinosaures Fumanya

Cercs (a 12.3 Km)

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Formatgeria Artesanal Tiraval

Bagà (a 14.2 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Apartaments Els Roures

Castellar del Riu (a 11.2 Km)

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El Recó de l'Avi

Guardiola de Berguedà (a 11.7 Km)

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Restaurant Font Freda

Castellar del Riu (a 11.4 Km)

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Cal Candi

Vilada (a 1.1 Km)

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Where to sleep

La Rovira

Sagàs (a 12.6 Km)

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Càmping Puigcercós

Borredà (a 8.9 Km)

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Berga Resort

Berga (a 7.8 Km)

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Hotel Casa Duaner

Guardiola de Berguedà (a 11.7 Km)

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