Bicycle axis in Gallecs

Bicycle axis in Gallecs

Do you want to know the natural area of Gallegos on two wheels? This route fits perfectly with what you are looking for! It is a bike route that covers 15 km of medium difficulty for the entire rural environment of Gallecs.

The exit is in the square of the Church of Gallecs.

You dare?

The itinerary begins in the square of the Church of Santa María de Gallecs and continues towards the plataneda and towards the Can Salvi wetlands. Follow the Caganell torrent path until you reach the intersection that allows you to turn left to go to the Gallegos path. After about 200 m you can access, turning right, into the Can Torres forest, where you climb up to the San Valeriano path.

Continue along this path, passing through Can Cónsul and leaving the Torre de Malla forest on the right until you find the junction of the C 155 road, where you take a small path that crosses the Can Cristal forest. At the exit of the forest, a slight descent is made to the central path of Gallecs, which will lead to the Church again.

r324-Galicians There, the ascent towards the Bandoleros path begins , until the second path is found that allows you to choose two options, go down to the Caganell stream and return to the starting point or continue along the Bandoleros ridge, passing through the viewpoint, which allows you to have a 360 ° view of the territory until you reach the walkway that connects with the Pinetons park.

From this point on, a journey begins in the direction of Can Banús de Santa Perpètua de Mogoda and returns to the walkway of Paseo de los Castaños. Once past the footbridge, go down the path parallel to the highway to the Caganell stream and continue to Plaza de la Iglesia, the starting point.

Source: Mollet del Vallès Town Council

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