The Vigatans' Covenant

The Vigatans' Covenant

After Felipe V in 1702 are proclaimed as king of the Spanish monarchy and disagreeing various territories, including Catalonia, England, Holland, Portugal and the Austrian Empire, in 1703 these proclaimed Carlos III of Austria as monarch.

In Catalonia there were several persons who were not with arms crossed and mobilized to negotiate other solutions to the situation that had been found. They reached an agreement several Catalan personalities who received the name of the Covenant of Vigatans.

And on this route, intends to visit the emblematic meeting point, know what is celebrated today and find the origins of the members were part of the Covenant and the legacy they have left us in Catalonia.

The Covenant of Vigatans

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (General José Moragues i Mas) In April 1705 the viceroy of Barcelona calls for all veguerías swear allegiance to the new king, Philip V, but the rector of the parish of Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer , Lorenzo Thomas, encourages the meeting of the Society of Osona, also known as The Vigatans.

The May 17, 1705 Vigatana various personalities nobility gathered in the chapel of San Sebastian de Sentfores of Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer . The objective of this meeting was to empower Perera and Antoni Domènech i d'Aimeric Paguera to negotiate with England.

With these negotiations it was decided that England would give military support against Philip V and also respected Carlos III and Catalan law. The Austrian Empire would support the landing of troops of the Grand Alliance in the Catalan coast and create Miquelets companies led by Josep Mas i Moragues.

In fact, these are the premises that were used in the signing of Genoa on June 20, 1705 sent to the Queen Anne of England, Mitford Crowe.

The Company Osona or Els Vigatans

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (Symbol Vigatans) The Company Osona was a paramilitary unit created in the late nineteenth century by a group of Miquelets. At the beginning fought against French troops who came to Catalonia, but during the War of Succession became defenders Carlos III.

The most prominent members of the Society of Osona were Francesc Macia i Ambert popularly known as Bac de Roda, known as Jaume Puig Castellnou Perafita, Josep Moragues, José Mas de Roda, Carles de Regàs known as Cavalleria Manlleu among others.

Osona The Company also had a name that was popularly known, The Vigatans.


Covenant signatories

The Covenant of Vigatans signed on May 17, 1705 at the chapel of San Sebastian de Sentfores of Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer was signed by 8 important personalities of the time. However, being a secret and clandestine meeting is not known whether it could be that there are other personalities in that game. Still, the monolith memorial is in the Vicarage Square, right in front of the chapel, consisting of the following names.

Tomas Llorenç i Costa (1660-1737) was born in La Seu and rector of the parish of Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer . He was a member of the Ecclesiastical Board of Catalonia, chancellor of Catalonia and the main instigator of the call Covenant of Vigatans. After dying in Vienna, his remains were moved and are currently in the Chapel of the Rosary in the church of Sant Domènech in La Seu d'Urgell .

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (Monolith signed the covenant name of Vigatans) I d'Antoni Paguera Aimeric (1682-1707) born in Vic , was political, military and writer. Moreover, it was the second Marquis de Foix and master of Torrelles. It was also a founding member of the Acadèmia dels Desconfiats of Barcelona and First Colonel of Regiment of Reials guardies Catalan. It was one of two representatives of the Covenant of Vigatans who signed the Treaty of Genoa England. His body rests in the parish church of Santa María de Foix in Torrelles de Foix .

Josep Anton Marti, son of Vic and the other representative of the Covenant of Vigatans who signed the Treaty of Genoa with England. He fought in the last Bourbon town site of Barcelona and the night of July 13, 1714 and passed deserted the Bourbons.

Antoni de Cortada, son of Manlleu , was Colonel of the Regiment Reials guardies Catalan.

I Regàs Carles de Cavalleria, born of Cavalleria Mas Manlleu , which gave him the nickname with which he was known, Cavalleria Manlleu.

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (Francisco Macia and Bac de Roda Ambert) Francesc Macia Ambert (1658-1713) was born in Sant Pere de Roda Roda de Ter . It was known by the name of the house of his wife, Bac de Roda, situated in Les Masies de Roda , just 10 kilometers from Vic having spent Roda de Ter , and was declared a Cultural Asset of Local Interest. Bac de Roda was one of the most prominent leaders of the Miquelets. Was executed in 1713 and hung in Vic after being betrayed by an old friend.

Jaume Puig, son of Perafita , was a noble and remarkable fighter during the War of Succession and the leader of the Vigatans to the Austrian cause. He died in Pla de Palau during the battle of September 11, 1714. On the remains of his house burned by the Bourbons in Perafita house Castellnou was built. And there are a large number of townhouses in Osona and area, as is the case of the former Cortada Merlès currently Merlès Santa Maria . In Perafita , every year is a wreath at the monument dedicated to Jaume Puig in Plaça de Sant Antoni.

Josep Mas i Moragues (1669-1715) was born in Sant Hilari Sacalm and was commander of the Miquelets. He was imprisoned, tortured and killed in 1715 in Barcelona and his head was kept in a cage hung for twelve years in the Portal de Mar city, where today we find a monument to remember the place. Moragues has become a symbol of Catalan identity for many people and also find dedications to him in Sort and Sant Hilari Sacalm .

The Miquelets

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (Joan Pere Barcelo and Anguera Carrasclet) The Miquelets were paramilitary volunteer militia recruited as reinforcement for regular special forces in action. They were formed by the councils and the Crown of Aragon, with their origin in the War Reapers. During the War of Succession were positioned in the Austrian faction.

A part of that Moragues Josep Mas i also have to highlight another Miquelet, known as Carrasclet, Pere Joan i Anguera Barceló, who was captain-colonel before-and-after the fall of Barcelona.

According to several accounts have, its activity is focused mainly in the south of Catalonia, near the Sierra de Llaberia between Baix Camp and Ribera d'Ebre. His hometown, Capçanes , dedicated a monument that is located in Pau Casals street population.

Currently, in Catalonia there are several groups dedicated to remember and keep alive these tasks did volunteer and have formed some groups Miquelets recreating their clothing, weapons, speed and battle strategies, among others.

Ermita de Sant Sebastià Sentfores

The hermitage of Sant Sebastià Sentfores is located within the town of Vic , although it belongs to the parish of Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer . It was built on a hill 770 meters high in the sixteenth century and is considered from various points in the Plana de Vic is located just 5 kilometers from the capital of Osona towards Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer .

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (Ermita de San Sebastian de Santa Eulalia de Sentflores Riuprimer) Construction of the chapel is a single nave and the portal of the facade has segments. The bell tower is square with four windows and arch.

In the square of the Vicariate where there is a memorial contains the names of Vigatans who signed the covenant and recognition which makes the population of the region.

In 2012 it was declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya as Historic site and the rehabilitation of the chapel and the adjacent house is expected.

Today it is a meeting point for the lighting of the "Flame Covenant of Vigatans" which is usually done around May 17-date the anniversary is celebrated pact which is then used during the March Vigatans of burning symbolically Decree of Nueva Planta in Vic , which takes place the night of September 10.

Progress of Vigatans

In 2005 it celebrated 300 years of the Covenant of Vigatans intended to honor the brave Vigatans who signed the covenant and brought forward in favor of Carlos III.

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (March of the Vigatans) So the night of 10 September the March of Vigatans in which the burning of the Decree of Nueva Planta symbolized performed in Vic . This will catch the flame is in the square of the Vicariate, opposite the chapel of Sant Sebastià Sentfores, the "Flame Covenant of Vigatans" which will be carried by the columns to Vic where he held various tributes and the march continues to the old part of the city. In addition, banners with the names of the signatories of the pact Vigatans look.

All activities are organized by various cultural activities of the area and most of the municipalities in the Osona.

The Doctrine Vigatana

02. The Covenant of Vigatans (Doctrine Vigatana) Doctrine is a propaganda brochure Vigatana as romance narrating sarcastically Vigatans uprising against the figure of Philip V and the Bourbon monarchy in 1705, and is now in the Biblioteca de Catalunya.

Original in the library of Catalunya.


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