Learn about the pollination of almond trees with the help of bees! With the arrival of spring, almond trees welcome us with some very showy flowers. It is important…
Come dance with your family and enjoy the almond blossom in a privileged setting! La Tresca y la Verdesca is a music group for the whole family that is committed…
The municipality of Agramunt is located in the Urgell region, situated at the foot of the Sió River. The municipality is made up of the aggregates of Almenara…
The municipality of Anglesola is located in the center of the Urgell region, at an altitude of 335 m. It is crossed by the A2, the motorway from Barcelona to Lleida,…
The town of Belianes stands on a plateau at an altitude of 373 m, to the left of the River Corb, where it changes direction. Its elevated position makes it a magnificent…
Bellpuig is located at an altitude of 308 m and extends along the Pla de Ponent between the districts of Barbens, Castellnou de Seana and Vilanova de Bellpuig to…
Castellserà is a municipality in the Urgell region, located at the foot of the Sierra de Almenara. Among the places of interest are the parish church of…
The old municipality was annexed to Tàrrega in 1969. Most of its land is arable and is dedicated to cereals, almond trees, olive trees and vines. The historic…
It is located on the Aigües Vives ravine, on the steps of the Sierra del Tallat, at an altitude of 560 m. Its term limits with the terms of Maldà, Vallbona…
Guimerà's population is located in the river valley Corb, and belongs to the county of Urgell. It is a medieval town with a stepped construction on a plateau,…
La Fuliola is located in the northeast of the Urgell region, at an altitude of 272 m between Tàrrega and Balaguer, at the foot of the C-53 road that connects…
Malda municipality of l'Urgell, is situated on the left bank of the river Corb and delimits the region of Les Garrigues and is very close to the Conca de Barbera.…
Nalec is located in the middle course of the Corb River, at an altitude of 478 m. The municipal area borders Verdú, Vallbona de les Monges, Ciutadilla andSant…
The municipality of Ossó de Sió is located in the northeastern end of the region, in contact with La Segarra and La Noguera. It includes the municipalities…
Preixana, an old walled town, descends along the southern slope of the Sitjar hill and borders Bellpuig, Vilagrassa,Sant Martí de Riucorb and Belianes. The…
The municipality of Puigverd is located in the northern part of the Urgell region and borders the La Noguera region. The town rises on a hill on the banks of the…
Sant Martí de Riucorb is a municipality in the Urgell region, located to the right of the Corb river. The municipality was established in 1972 by merging…
Tarrega The origin dates back to the eleventh century when the Count of Barcelona, ??Ramon Berenguer I, conquers the castle. Since then the city becomes a strategic…
We present the municipality of Tornabous, which sits in the flat area of the Urgell region. Tornabous is the head of the municipality and the term includes the…
Vallbona de les Monges is located at the southern end of the Urgell region. The municipality is also made up of the towns of Rocallaura and Montblanquet, in the…
Vilagrassa is a small town located on the left Ondara River, in the county of Urgell, in the province of Lleida. Formerly he had been a walled town and today the…
Authentic Catalonia is more than a trip, it is a way of feeling, living and discovering the heart of Catalonia! We invite you to immerse yourself in the living culture, unique landscapes and traditions…
With more than 100,000 visitors in previous editions, 'A Winter's Night' continues to surprise the public with Fermina, its main character, who lived in the house and dedicated herself to caring for the…
Cervera dresses up for the "Segrestat Carnival" celebration, a day full of fun, costumes and music! The celebration will feature various activities for all audiences, from the traditional Rúa de…
Between the months of February and April, the Casal Agramuntí Theater hosts the sixth season of the Brots Performing and Musical Arts Series, an event that since its inception has been committed…