Ager is a municipality in the comarca of Noguera, is physically located between the Noguera Noguera Ribagorçana Pallaresa i. Specifically Ager is located…
The town of Albesa (237 m) is at the foot of a hill where the remains of the Albesa castle are located, in the western sector of the area, to the left of the Noguera…
Delve into our beautiful town, a jewel of nature that supports a considerable millenarian cultural tradition. Bearer of the Sierra Larga, the municipality looks…
Alòs de Balaguer is an old municipality of undeniable historical and cultural interest. It houses the famous prehistoric remains of the Aparets and is part…
The municipality is located at the foot of the pre-Pyrenean mountain range of Montsec. The town of Artesa de Segre, is located in a peculiar geographical place:…
Balaguer is the capital of the La Noguera region, which in turn is the largest region in the entire Catalan territory. Balaguer has its origins in the entry of…
Bellcaire d'Urgell is a municipality in the Noguera region. It is made up of the population center of Bellcaire d'Urgell and Pedrís. Bellcaire d'Urgell is…
Bellmunt d'Urgell is a municipality located in the region of La Noguera and situated on top of a hill 379 meters above sea level. This location makes it known as…
Cabanabona is located at the southern end of the Segre Mitjà, one of the smallest municipalities in the region, which stands out for its urban center with…
Camarasa is a municipality in the comarca of Noguera which includes several entities among which Fontllonga and Montsec Ametlla. Camarasa hosts a large number of…
Castelló de Farfanya extends to the foot of a hill where the remains of the old castle that gave rise to the town at the time of Saracen domination can be…
The municipality of Cubells, of an extension of 39.17 km2, is located on the southern slopes of the mountainous alignment that form the Sierra Carbonera and the…
The municipality of Foradada has an extension of 28.55 km 2. The term includes the towns of Foradada, the most important of the municipality, Marcovau, Montsonís…
Ivars de Noguera is located where the plain of Lleida meets the first mountainous elevations of the Pre-Pyrenees, a place where one begins to sense the abrupt geography…
The municipal area is located in the extreme northeast of the region of La Noguera, bordering the regions of Alt Urgell, to the east (Peramola and Coll de Nargó);…
Halfway between Balaguer and Àger is the extensive municipality of Les Avellanes and Santa Linya which, with four population centers, stands out for its…
In the middle of Noguera Baixa, within the triangle formed by the Segre, Noguera Ribagorçana and Farfanya rivers, is the town of Menàrguens, surrounded…
Montgai is a town in the municipality of La Noguera located in the Baix Sió area, bordering the Bellmunt-Almenara mountains to the south and Montclar to…
It is located on the border with Urgell and Segarra, centered on the Llobregós valley. The territory, basically made up of sandstones and red clays from…
Os de Balaguer is a municipality in the region of La Noguera, very close to the capital of the region, Balaguer. Os is the main centre of the municipality, which…
Penelles is the southeast gate of the Noguera region, bordering the Urgell and the Pla d'Urgell, at the foot of the Bellmunt-Almenara mountain range. Today, Penelles…
The town of Pons, officially and in Catalan Ponts, is a Spanish municipality and town in the province of Lleida located in the Catalan region of La Noguera. It…
In the Sió river valley, between Balaguer and Agramunt, is the municipality of Preixens, one of the places in Noguera that has best preserved its rural atmosphere…
In lands full of cultivated fields, water channels and marked by the presence of the Segre River and the proximity of Lleida, the town of Térmens grows,…
Tiurana is a town and municipality in the mountain area of the La Noguera region. Officially inaugurated in 2007, the town inherits the name of the ancient town…
The municipality of Torrelameu, with an area of 10.94 km 2, is located in the southern part of the region, on the border with Segrià. The term extends to…
The municipality of Vallfogona de Balaguer is located in SE Balaguer, in a plain that enters land of Urgell. The municipality comprises the town of Vallfogona addition,…
Municipality located in the northeastern end of the region of La Noguera (Lleida), in the Llobregós river valley, on the border with the counties of Alt…
Vilanova de Meià is a municipality in the district of La Noguera. Its term also includes other population entities: the nucleus of Santa Maria de Meià,…
MónNatura Delta de l'Ebre starts a new season and invites you to enjoy a day in the Ebro Delta! During your visit to MónNatura Delta de l'Ebre, you will explore a recreation of the old salt…
Between the months of February and April, the Casal Agramuntí Theater hosts the sixth season of the Brots Performing and Musical Arts Series, an event that since its inception has been committed…
The Bellcaire d'Urgell carnival is here for another year! Although it arrives a little later than the rest of the municipalities, there will be no shortage of the traditional carnival parade through the…