The Civil War, exile and repression in Catalonia

The military coup d'état of July 17, 1936 gave way to three years of bloody civil war in Spain. Catalonia remains faithful to the Republic and, at the same time, lives a revolutionary process driven by anarchist militias. The Generalitat organizes the resistance and the war effort, and suffers the internal confrontations of the different mobilized political and union forces. During the same period, Catalonia receives the influx of thousands of refugees and displaced persons, considered one of the largest movements of people in times of armed conflict in the twentieth century.
The Catalan civilian population is hit by the penalties of the conflict: the rise in prices, hunger and bombing. Finally, on November 16, 1938 the defeat in the battle of the Ebro, marks the fate of the Republican side and represents the fall of Catalonia. The end of the war and the beginning of General Franco's military dictatorship, entails the suppression of Catalan autonomy, exile and a strong repression of the Catalan and leftist movements.
This bloody episode of the recent history of our country is remembered and remembered through hundreds of resources, exhibitions, museums, routes and interpretation centers that help recover the historical memory of the Civil War, exile and Franco's repression in Catalonia.
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