Tarraco, a trip to Roman times

Tarraco, a trip to Roman times

Tarraco, today known as Tarragona, is a city full of history and cultural richness. Founded as a military camp by the Romans in the 3rd century BC, this city preserves the traces of ancient Rome and an impressive legacy.

In 2000 UNESCO declared the archaeological site of Tarraco a World Heritage Site thanks to the good state of conservation of its monuments. And it is that Tarraco offers us the unique opportunity to explore an authentic Roman urban landscape: its walls, forums, theater and amphitheater are exceptional monuments that reveal the engineering and grandeur of the Roman era and will make us travel to a past of exceptional beauty.

The walls of Tarraco


The walls of Tarraco, built by the Romans to protect the city, are impressive witnesses of the antiquity and greatness of the city. Their meticulous construction, with precisely cut and fitted stones, are an impressive example of Roman engineering.

From the walls, in addition to taking a trip back in time and discovering its history, we can enjoy panoramic views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea.


The Tarraco forum is an extraordinary example of ancient Roman public life. This large square was the nerve center of the city, where important decisions were made and commercial and social activity took place.
Today you can see the ruins of the forum, such as the portico of the basilica and a section of street, which reveal their original majesty. This emblematic space is a window to the past, allowing visitors to imagine life in Tarraco during Roman times.


Very close to the Forum is the Tarraco theater, an impressive monument that takes us back to Roman times. Built taking advantage of the slopes of the land, the theater maintains its original shape and preserves the structural elements that define a Roman theater, such as the cavea, the orchestra and the scaena.
During the visit to the theater we will not only imagine contemplating a Roman show, but we will also be able to enjoy magnificent views of the city.

THE CIRCUS, pure emotion

The Tarraco circus is a fascinating space that shows the passion for chariot racing shows in ancient Rome. Considered one of the best preserved in the West, it still allows you to appreciate part of the vaults and the stands, as well as the exterior façade and the podium, and even some of the monumental access doors.
It is a place that captures the imagination of visitors, and takes us to relive the time of the most exciting Roman sporting events. Visiting the circus is a unique opportunity to connect with the past and imagine what life was like in Tarraco during Roman times.

THE AMPHITHEATRE, icon of the city

One of the most iconic attractions in Tarraco is the amphitheater, one of the best examples of Roman architecture that captivates the attention of all visitors.
The amphitheater preserves the characteristic arena, surrounded by the cavea, from which the public enjoyed the shows and the gladiator fights that were held.
The Tarraco amphitheater is a constant reminder of the passion and entertainment of ancient Rome, a must for lovers of history and architecture.


On the outskirts of Tarraco we find the Les Ferreres aqueduct, popularly known as the Devil's Bridge. This impressive work of Roman engineering built with cut stone, transported water from nearby sources to the city, providing water to the population and its monuments.

With its well-preserved arcades and imposing presence, the Les Ferreres aqueduct is a testament to the technical skill and grandeur of the Roman Empire, and has become another icon of the city.

Route of Tarraco, The footprint of Rome

Deals and offers

Guided visit to the Roman Theater of Tarragona

Visit the Paleochristian Museum and Necropolis

"Tarraco/Mnat" exhibition at Tinglado 4 in Tarragona

Free visit to the Arco de Berà

Guided visit to the Roman Villa of Els Munts in Tarragona

Free visit to the Roman quarry of Mèdol

Free visit to the Tower of the Scipios in Tarragona

Guided visit to the Monumental Complex of Centcelles


Descobreix Tarraco, L'empremta de Roma


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