Dream of the legends of Catalonia

Dream of the legends of Catalonia

The history of the people and peoples of the planet has been transmitted orally through legends, which are short stories about certain events that could have happened but that have also adopted imaginary, fantastic or mythological elements.

All the peoples of Catalonia have their own legends that, for centuries, have been passed down from generation to generation and are part of our popular imagination. In general, all of them have in common that they are usually stories explained in a brief, simple and fun way.

The legends that have been passed down from generation to generation challenge us, open questions, connect us with our tradition, while constantly questioning its validity.

Catalonia is a land of legends. Some of these stories and the beings that star in them are so deeply rooted that for many they are one more page of the real history of each municipality.

What we will all agree on is that all legends have that magic point that allows us to dream of another reality.

Do we dream together with the legends of Catalonia?

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