Release all the adrenaline with adventure sports

Adventure sports, also known as risk sports, add a series of ingredients that make them especially attractive and exciting for many people.
They are sports that combine physical activity in nature with emotion, adventure and controlled risk, since they are activities that must be carried out with the proper means of prevention and the supervision of expert instructors.
From rafting, bungee jumping, skydiving or climbing, among many others, in Catalonia we find incomparable landscapes and a wide range of sports companies, which offer a wide range of diverse water, land and air activities.
You just have to look for the territory and the sports modality that best suits your leisure experience: white adventure, extreme adventure, hunting, bicycle touring, water sports, air sports and, to enjoy the experience!
Adventure sports have been popularizing in recent years and, especially in those geographical areas where natural conditions favor them, its followers number in the hundreds of thousands.
It is important, but remember that not all adventure sports are suitable for all people. There are certain activities that require greater physical and mental preparation. So it is important that you scull the right adventure sport in your preparation.
If you are one of those who like to live new experiences, discover your limits and want to feel a strong adrenaline rush, try adventure sports.
Deals and offers
Rafting Llavorsí
LlavorsíRafting, canyoning, horse riding, hydrospeed, river canoes, bus-bob, hiking, snowshoe excursions, skiing…
Càmping El Pont de Barcelona
Vilanova de SauThe El Pont campsite is located in the heart of the Guilleries…
Oxineu Guies de Muntanya
Ribes de FreserOxineu specialises in mountain guides, adventure sports training and a ski school,…
Penyes Altes Outdoor Services
Bellver de CerdanyaDiscover new places and new adventures with the help of our team…
Nootka Kayak & Sup
SitgesNootka Jayak & Sup offers you different activities and guided excursions so…
CEM Climbat la Foixarda
BarcelonaDiscover CEM Climbat la Foixarda and delve into the adventure with a…
Estiber Viatges
BarcelonaA travel agency specializing in skiing. We have been organizing snow getaways…
Ingravita Rocòdrom
IgualadaTake a chance with Ingravita, a climbing wall located in Igualada designed…
Refugi de Talltendre
Bellver de CerdanyaEnjoy a fantastic getaway with your partner, family or friends at the…
Octavi Guia d'Escalada
CasserresMeet Octavi Puntas Garcia, a great climbing guide where through ridges, walls…
Guies de Muntanya Camins
Vielha e MijaranIf you are a nature lover, discover Caminos Mountain Guides and delve…
Fang Aventura
Sant Miquel de CampmajorIf you like adventure, don't miss the opportunity to come to Fang…
Jumpland Aventura Ecològica
CambrilsVenture into the world of Jumpland Aventura, a park for everyone who…
Guies Arania - Guies de muntanya i barrancs
BalenyàA small adventure sports company specialized in canyoning, via ferrata, snowshoe routes,…
Pyrenees Extrem
El Prat de LlobregatLive your adventure with Pyrenees Extrem and discover a host of exciting…